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1 In the absence of any significant anti-secretory effects , it seems likely that the beneficial action of cisapride reported in this study results from its prokinetic qualities , which might enhance the clearance of acidic gastric effluent from the bulb , and thereby reduce its duration of contact with the duodenal mucosa .
2 The data examined in this study give a consistent picture of behaviour changes among homosexual men which have led to a continuance of HIV transmission in this group in England and Wales .
3 Furthermore , the higher concentrations used in this study reflect total bile salt concentrations in human colon .
4 The bulk of the data used for this study were documentary in origin : letters from Polish peasants to relatives living in the United States , the archives of Polish newspapers , and the records and periodicals of Polish émigré organisations .
5 A protocol based on the methods used in this study may be obtained from us .
6 A proportion of CH 4 producers ( three of six in this study ) , however , may also harbour small numbers of sulphate reducing bacteria ( not detectable with the methods used in this study ) .
7 Table IV gives the results for multiple regression analysis using all the variables shown in this study to influence the random haemoglobin A 1 value .
8 The methods employed in this study were very similar to those adopted in the Wirral survey , which had a comparable annual prevalence rate of 4 per 1,000 , clearly a much higher rate of known opioid use than in Bristol during this period .
9 Thus the adducts detected in this study may not be derived from bile at all but merely have their binding to DNA increased by bile .
10 Faecal occult blood testing was not used as an entry criteria nor was its usefulness assessed during this study as the investigations to locate a possible source of bleeding would have been pursued even if faecal occult blood tests had been negative .
11 Furthermore , the data derived from this study about caring is obviously dependent upon respondents ' perception of their status as either carers or non-carers .
12 The effects of the oil industry observed in this study are also consistent with long established observations on both experimental and human epidemics which Topley summarised 50 years ago as indicating that outbreaks of many infective diseases can be produced simply by ‘ movements of susceptible and infected hosts in relation to one another , and aggregations or dispersals of human or animal herds . ’
13 No differences were observed between male and female spinal patients for any of the variables tested in this study .
14 The combination of the use of one or other of these enzymes and the ribotyping technique applied in this study provide a highly discriminatory means of strain comparison .
15 The manometry tracings of spontaneous ileal motility seen in this study closely resembled the in vivo patterns of small bowel motility described by other authors .
16 Cimetidine had no direct anti-tumour effects on the basal growth of the two gastric and two colorectal tumour cell lines examined in this study , which is in accord with the findings of Scotcher et al .
17 Thus , the amount of sulphate given in this study can be reached by dietary means in a proportion of people .
18 ( In this respect , Village differs markedly from some other Scottish communities included in this study , where informants made much more mention of the possible demographic and economic effects of school closure . )
19 Body weight gain was satisfactory in all rats included in this study .
20 In these cases a more systematic approach is required , and , certainly in all the companies included in this study , a system of corporate planning is usually used to prepare corporate plans .
21 The assay used in this study measures bile concentrations at a single point in time and may well not be an accurate reflection of overall exposure .
22 The specificity of the various antibodies used in this study is shown schematically in Figure 1 , and the antibody characteristics are listed in Table II .
23 All the antibodies used in this study recognise epitopes that are resistant to formalin fixation and wax embedding .
24 Although the chromatography eluants used in this study are particularly suited to detecting tobacco related carcinogens — and will miss some small molecular weight adducts altogether — it is unlikely that smoking can account for the increased adduct levels found as the percentage of smokers in the truncal vagotomy group ( 54% ) was very similar to that of the highly selective vagotomy patients ( 52% ) .
25 Since most of the prostatic cancers detected in this study had not metastasised to bone and were well or moderately well differentiated these patients might have suffered if detection had been delayed .
26 Intra-assay coefficient of variation was <10% in the range encountered in this study .
27 We can not exclude the possibility , however , that other unknown mechanisms may be involved in the effects observed in this study .
28 It is possible that the VT2 binding sites may have their own distinct 3' sequence , but none is apparent for the sites identified in this study .
29 One strength of the technique used in this study is that it can be applied retrospectively to material produced for other purposes .
30 The purity of the ganglioside preparation used in this study has , however , never been established , and this work has not been reproduced in other laboratories .
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