Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] he knew that " in BNC.

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1 The images of the dead came to his mind and he knew that he had to stop Kopyion .
2 He 'd always thought of gypsies as swarthy of complexion , but this girl 's face was pale olive and he knew that if he touched it , it would be as soft as silk .
3 He felt responsible for their separation and he knew that when he had had problems in the past , his parents had stopped arguing so much and pulled together to help him .
4 MGM 's Dynamite directed by Cecil B. de Mille was for Daugherty nothing more than a torrid melodrama of conventional silliness but he knew that audiences would love the tremendous cave-in of the coal-mine .
5 He heard that the old tray — the papier mâché tray — that used to hang there had fallen and got broken beyond repair and he knew that I would notice the gap .
6 He had failed Responsions twice , in December and April before the Lincoln examination and he knew that if he did not pass in June his Oxford career , in spite of his entrance scholarship , would end abruptly .
7 George did not like being firm with Lennie but he knew that he had to be cruel to be kind .
8 Inevitably a feeling of despair enveloped him and he began to feel quite helpless ; his heart was in his studies and he knew that if he could manage financially he could achieve his academic rewards , but the insufficient amounts of money his father allowed him did n't permit any freedom to relax after his studies had ended .
9 Freddie was indeed a shrewd character and he knew that Billy Sullivan was hedging .
10 He had achieved great things for God but he knew that he could not claim the credit .
11 She had filled an emptiness in his life and he knew that he would be devastated if she left now .
12 Already the warmth was draining from the air and he knew that it was time they were moving .
13 Jesus only had to say the word and he knew that the servant would be healed ( Luke 7:7 ) .
14 Yet he must somehow tear the pain out with his hands or he knew that it would kill him .
15 And William began to run from the approaching cart , which was piled high with the bodies of the plague victims , and as he ran the streets became the familiar streets of his childhood and he knew that all the time he was running from the terrible cart he was getting closer and closer to the dark house by the railway embankment with its shuttered windows and its locked door , and that this was more terrible to him than anything in his history books .
16 He stared at Hannele 's pale , drawn , serious face and he knew that she was genuine and convinced .
17 The action was due to be heard in four weeks , time and he knew that , successful or not , he was faced with ruin .
18 I felt that George was tired of Lennie 's stupidness but he knew that Lennie could n't help it and that he had to withstand it .
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