Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] it be worth " in BNC.

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1 Swings often start by touching down with drift in a cross wind and it is worth remembering that , from the point of view of avoiding a bad swing into wind , it is better to overdo the drift correction .
2 The most interesting relationship in the data is the relatively high correlation between risk ratings and subsequent recall and it is worth investigating this in more detail .
3 It is difficult to exaggerate the strength of Protestant feeling about this issue and it is worth quoting Allister 's statement of the views expressed by many of the people I interviewed :
4 It 's a voucher with a three day mini-cruise for two people sharing from Harwich to Hamburg or Harwich to Esbjerg to be used weekdays , valid until the twentieth of December and it 's worth a hundred and sixty quid .
5 There was one there called Joy and it were worth
6 It was very hard work but it was worth it .
7 This fear of cats , or ailurophobia to give it its technical name , is rare , but when it does occur it can cause untold misery for the sufferer and it is worth examining how it begins and how it can be cured .
8 In the recent case of Harlingdon and Leinster Enterprises Ltd v Christopher Hull Fine Art Ltd [ 1990 ] 1 All ER 737 , the Court of Appeal considered the issue of reliance on description and it is worth dwelling upon the facts .
9 The analysis of Lloyd LJ in Aswan was an exhaustive one of previous authorities and it is worth noting .
10 The concern in the present section is with purely reactive circuits and it is worth noting that in dual versions the frequencies at which the reactance becomes zero or infinite is the same , one circuit being resonant ( ) whenever the other is antiresonant ( ) and vice versa .
11 This is a good start , but there will still be quite considerable differences within the remaining group and it is worth checking to see if you can usefully angle your basic release to fit at least some of these requirements .
12 I can say ‘ It was a failure but it was worth a go ’ .
13 I know in advance that we 're not going to have that kind of luck but it 's worth a try .
14 We headed north to Port de Centuri on a trip that was only 35 miles yet seemed like 135 as a result of the sheer concentration needed on the mountain roads but it was worth every second because of the incredible views .
15 Daniel , who spent £75 on new games and equipment , added : ‘ We had to wait for ages but it was worth it . ’
16 It is July the Fourth , Independence Day and it is worth installing ourselves early .
17 It may be worth saying , Tony that Graham 's already talked to officers and it 's worth your while talking to people on the house-to-house duty rota .
18 It might be argued that it is. but it is worth dwelling briefly on the insights which structuralist Marxist accounts contain .
19 Usually , these are sold in bulk to a dealer who can handle large quantities but it is worth trying to do a deal on smaller quantities if you can get in on the ground floor , so to speak .
20 In reality , if your pet is left with a small , beautifully-sutured wound , then all credit must go the skill of your veterinary surgeon and it 's worth remembering that , for the time and skill required , spaying is a very cheap and justifiable operation .
21 Cost me another two quid but it was worth it . ’
22 It takes a bit of time to learn to use these more specialized sorts of graph paper but it is worth the effort .
23 Papers are not necessarily priced according to their surfaces , Rough , Not or HP and it is worth looking carefully at the various makes and their qualities , as two papers may have similar characteristics but be quite different in price .
24 Depending upon the size of your area and the arrangements with the local CAB they will sometimes carry brochures and it is worth asking if you can leave your specialist personal injury literature .
25 Glare can also be caused by very light coloured ceramic floor tiles and it is worth keeping this in mind when choosing from the wide range of floor coverings available .
26 You will wear them more frequently than any single outfit of clothes and it is worth paying as much as you can afford to get a pair that make you feel and look good .
27 All the functions are fully explained in the manual and it is worth taking some time to experiment with each function so that you know which ones to use to obtain the best results .
28 And they were buying this house and it was worth something like I do n't know , they were , they 'd got a twenty five grand mortgage .
29 Information is correct at the time of going to press , but museums may have to vary their hours from time to time and it is worth checking before a special visit is made , especially around Christmas , Easter and Bank Holidays .
30 And are you still looking for the thing where you go and buy and you give a fiver and it 's worth
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