Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] she [vb mod] see " in BNC.

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1 Then the boat went down between the waves and she could see only mountains of wild water everywhere .
2 The twilight was fading fast when she entered the bedroom but she could see that the child was still sitting bolt upright in the bed .
3 Again she glanced at the windscreen of the other car but she could see nothing through the darkened glass .
4 We should ring her on our return and she would see whether she felt able to perform .
5 The pail was by the window and she could see the darkening yard and coach-house through an arched gateway .
6 And so erm , it was n't as though these children ran across an open zebra crossing and she could see the children travelling er , walking or running all the way across the er er er er the pedestrian crossing the two children one was estimated by her to be about six years old , and the one who was actually knocked down was estimated by her to be about er , nine years old and she was n't travelling at any significant speed at all , she was travelling slowly because of the amount of traffic and she says that er the first she saw them was erm , appearing from the behind a car and dashing across the front of her car , and in fact , it was only the the the one who ran first the the older of the two children that she actually hit , she hit hit her with the near side front of er of her vehicle .
7 As they drew nearer to the damage and she could see that it was even worse than it had looked from afar , Ronni felt herself recoil at the very thought that her own brother could be responsible for such a thing .
8 The afternoons were also good for going to the cinema ; they had all of the stuff that would take about six months to make a brief appearance in her home town and she could see it on decent-sized screens instead of one like the end of a shoebox .
9 Already the shadows were receding from the room and she could see the darkness where his eyes were and the lighter line of his beloved lips .
10 Until at last the whole site was shrouded in thick mist and she could see no more .
11 After a moment Fenella 's eyes grew used to the dimness and she could see quite plainly into the room .
12 His face remained creased with thought and she could see that the answer had n't satisfied him .
13 erm , she made me bend my head and I could only bend it a little way and she could see the spasms
14 What little hair he had shone with a silver sheen in the lamplight and she could see in the crumpled , brick-red face , the likeness of Stephen .
15 He turned to rest his head on the high stone mantel above the fire and she could see the broad shoulders outlined by the fiery light in the grate .
16 Marie crouched down to peer through one of the slits but she could see nothing , only blackness inside .
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