Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] it is often " in BNC.

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1 Visions of heavy counselling sessions come to mind and it is often felt that the grieving person must be helped to ‘ come to terms with it ’ , whatever ‘ it ’ might be .
2 There should be a decent gap between the columns and it is often useful to place a vertical line in the middle of this gap , so physically preventing the eye straying from one to the other .
3 I have already drawn attention to the power there is in weakness and it is often the case that God is able to take ordinary weak things of this world and make them powerful for him .
4 They seem built into human nature and it is often impossible to imagine a society without them .
5 Supermarkets seldom have time to nurture the cheese to full maturity and it is often sold with a large , hard ‘ chalk ’ in the centre of the paste , which is flavourless and most unpleasant to eat .
6 They have since run into some problems and it is often easier to invent a new theory than to repair yesterday 's novelties .
7 It is most common in older people and it is often believed that there is no cure because it is a sign that the body is wearing out .
8 Fibreglass pools are obviously entirely rigid and free-standing , and present no such difficulties during construction , but one must be very careful over the choice of design , for most are made by fibreglass manufacturers with little understanding of plant life and it is often the case that reeds , rushes and irises are expected to become established on a marginal shelf no more than 8 cm ( 3 in ) wide , while the deeper areas of the pool will not have a sufficiently flat floor to place a single waterlily basket .
9 The ability to draw on such knowledge is an essential aspect of discourse interpretation and it is often employed by subjects in the kind of memory experiments which we have just described .
10 But today the family is under great pressure and it is often difficult to seen the connection .
11 Developing countries have their own specific economic , political and social requirements and it is often felt that the media should ‘ carry out positive development tasks ’ ; that they should accept restrictions if the state so desires and that they should be subordinate to the needs ( economic , cultural , political ) of a developing state .
12 Owners will usually see the value of their property increase and it is often a selling point in estate agents ’ particulars that a house stands in a conservation area .
13 The insurers now have groups of approved repairers and it is often easier for a customer to use those , than to go off and find their own repairer .
14 The name of this caput is usually the same as the whole estate and it is often recorded very early on .
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