Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] it be probably " in BNC.

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1 There has been no wholly satisfactory explanation of the aetiology , or primary causes , of homosexuality and it is probably multicausal .
2 Position clearly has an influence but it is probably most significant when the individual 's goals are not being satisfied by the opportunities within a job .
3 Everybody else she said a lot of people put one N and it 's probably what .
4 But when we took it over the , one of the first things we did was to redesign the kitchen because the soup was made in these great boiler and it was probably heated up every day of the week and can imagine what it would be like being in prison .
5 And what I will do is to look erm tt in some detail at er an analysis of a man r called Richard Newstat I mentioned last time , Mr Shirley Williams , and Richard Newstat wrote a book in nineteen sixty called Presidential Power and that book is now in whatever , what it is , I do n't know , seventh or eight edition and it 's probably still the single best selling book on the American presidency and er for good reason because it , it , it raises an , an argument which is really quite simple but often neglected .
6 Especially if , mind you , he might not be able to do anything , it 's like I say you you 've got your hot water and it 's probably a job he can do better in the week , one night as long as he says it 's safe to use and you 're not gon na blow the tank up on yourself !
7 Rushie picked up a few lira and an Armani suit but it 's probably fair to say our golden boy from St Asaph did n't exactly win the freedom of Turin .
8 So , again , it may be a factor but it 's probably not the most significant
9 It was the thing about er , my understanding is that people in the area and it 's probably the most densified area in the whole of the town are very very cagey about this !
10 It can not really be called page makeup but it 's probably more useful for the businessman than any page makeup program .
11 ‘ In fact , it 's permanently in storage and it 's probably the most interesting thing he ever painted , but the subject matter makes it a little , how shall I put it , undesirable for public display . ’
12 This role he discharged with great success and it was probably the most notable feature of his time as Treasury Solicitor .
13 You go to the front door but it 's probably next door but one the alarm went , go to the front door .
14 This is sometimes due to a generally secretive approach but it is probably more often because of a fear of being made to appear inadequate at the hands of an experienced interviewer .
15 Er I do n't know how many people die of stress related diseases but it 's probably under a hundredth .
16 There is no harm in feeding the fish with bugs and beasts fro the garden and it 's probably very good for them , supplying very fresh food .
17 Thus , many manic-depressives , even in their ‘ up ’ phases , describe feelings of depression and it is probably more correct to think of their psychotic state as a whole as a rather peculiar co-existence of irritable moods .
18 It 's April and it 's probably going to rain .
19 Now men seem to like the look of long , lean , coltish women and it 's probably inevitable , given our fixation with diet and fitness .
20 The gharial is a poor walker on land but it is probably the most aquatic crocodilian of all .
21 Since we are quite different in our behavioural capacities , notably in our possessing language , this may reflect a lack of subtlety on the part of the anatomists but it is probably reasonable to assume that the input and output ends of the system are pretty much the same in monkeys as in people .
22 Erm , but my Lord er I think the difficulty is that as far as my learned friend is concerned er he takes the view and it 's probably better for him to develop this your Lordship , that the matters can not properly be separated and he wishes your Lordship to deal with them in total so that er the whole picture can be seen at liability stage .
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