Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [adv prt] towards the " in BNC.

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1 He thought only of a water pipe , a narrow metal pipe that carried water away from the compound and under the wire and the high wooden fence and on towards the two-storey barracks and the kitchens and dormitories of the guards .
2 Confusingly at first , the trail stretched in two directions , back towards the perimeter fence and in towards the driveway .
3 She clung to the front of her costume , gritting her teeth as he widened the circle of massage , smoothing the cream over her shoulders and down towards the small of her back .
4 They moved stealthily , the switches in their hands grasped like weapons through the rank smell of wild rhubarb and down towards the damp growth by the stream .
5 But the men gave way , because they had no choice , and the next minute the car had bounced out on to the road , turning left , away from the village and up towards the dale head .
6 She ran back into the corridor and back towards the service lift .
7 The hub of all this activity was found in and around the market place and the Guildhall and down towards the Cathedral .
8 Hazel led the way down the slope of the run and up towards the bramble curtain .
9 With UN approval MacArthur pursued them across the parallel and on towards the Yalu River which marked the border with Communist China .
10 She started to walk back up the winding little street , away from the beach , through the tiny town and up towards the complex .
11 Benedicta retched before , resting on Athelstan 's arm , following Cranston through Ludgate and up towards the Fleet .
12 I made my way down into the tube station and on towards the Circle Line .
13 The pointing finger moved on , away from the grass and over towards the pavement .
14 Eventually , he was rewarded by the sight of Inspector Sammy Pike heading out of the library and off towards the gentlemen 's cloakroom .
15 Past the trees and down towards the gate , out of the gate and into the clown 's car , through the town and then beside the ocean …
16 She watched him ride on , past the lilacs , past the green door and on towards the main gate to the farmyard .
17 Just beyond the church is a track which leads back out of the bay and on towards the soaring cliffs of Fair Head .
18 It is interesting that nearly all music-hall artists adapted successfully ; evidently , years of projecting the voice over the orchestra and up towards the upper circle without the help of loudspeakers was good training .
19 That time , I came in through Queen 's Square , walked down the lane to the union and out towards the hospital .
20 Rafiq followed him , and for a moment Robert thought he was going to hit him , but , instead , he ran across the road and over towards the far side of the Common .
21 But , carrying baskets of buffalo dung from the pit by the cattle shed , along the road and down towards the mango tree to put it on the furthest field , my nose was burnt before I 'd walked twenty yards .
22 He could not go near the lights for the Men would see him ; so he would seek the most darkness — away from the Zoo and over towards the blackness of the Park centre .
23 Creggan grew nervous and glanced over his shoulder and up towards the trees above .
24 She looked out through the big picture window and across the manicured lawn and down towards the ponds and away towards the line of birches at the bottom of the garden .
25 The multitude then filed past the Opera House and down towards the central station .
26 Wearing dark glasses and dressed in a polo-neck sweater , corduroy trousers and desert boots , with a towel round his neck , he simply strolled out of the house and down towards the harbour .
27 Craig tucked the books inside his coat and as the door was flung open , he strode past his open-mouthed brother and down towards the drawing-room .
28 She sailed over the sands and the rocks and out towards the sea , me running , exhilarated , underneath , watching the stuck winch bob under her kicking feet .
29 As the school filed across the High Street and up towards the Common , Robert found he was sweating .
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