Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] [prep] [be] able " in BNC.

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1 Potential candidates had to be able to spell ‘ train ’ .
2 With a motor and tyres made from plumber 's tubing , their entry had to be able to travel three metres and to carry a weight — and they proved to the judges that it could and it completed the distance in a time of 8.5 secs .
3 The industry wanted to be able to use the funds that it had generated to invest in youth training .
4 Equipment had to be able to travel outside without damage being caused to electrical and refrigeration support gear by vibration or ingress of water .
5 The parents had to be able to present a full defence , he said , and if the whole case had been heard in Inverness , it would have been almost impossible to fully safeguard their interests and get everybody in the right place at the right time .
6 Although his tones were conversational — and in his case this naturally meant loud — none of the people in the adjacent seats seemed to be able to hear him .
7 Jim liked him , and Bruce seemed to be able to manage with her mother .
8 By the third day of the war , Pentagon officials boasted of being able to drop as much as 5,000 tons of bombs a day on Baghdad — double the amount dropped by Allies during the 1945 bombing of Dresden .
9 As she slowly regained strength , Julia began to be able to think of things beyond her own physical state , and whenever David came to see her she urged him to tell her what had been happening at the trial .
10 Stephen liked to be able to wrong-foot the people who worked for him and was a master at taking them off-guard .
11 It should be pointed out that they were nearly always pressed into the disc at the time of manufacture , not pasted on afterwards ; so the paper and inks had to be able to withstand high temperatures .
12 A prospective husband had to be able to afford a wife , children and their educational expenses , and the trappings of domestic life .
13 There was only one criteria for entry into the scheme : would-be owners had to be able to look after their personal care needs .
14 A king had to be able to create a sense of solidarity among his men .
15 He said the gross cost of the scheme would be £150million , but the liquidators expected to be able to return over £60million and the net cost would be reduced still further if sums were received from third parties .
16 This led Asquith to fix a pensionable age of seventy , despite the mass of evidence that must people who survived to old age ceased to be able to support themselves by work in their mid-sixties — sixty-five was the age adopted by most occupational and charitable pension schemes .
17 Tritium is an essential fuel in thermonuclear weapons ; it is also a product of dd fusion — the very process that the Utah chemists claimed to be able to make happen inexpensively in a test tube .
18 Only 5ft 4in ( 1.6m ) tall , Mary needed to be able to reach all the important controls from the steering cockpit .
19 But even the happiness Mother and Father felt at being able to live together under the same roof at last was tinged with sadness , because they both liked Stainmore very much and would have preferred to stay in the area .
20 By engaging in some instances in dialogue directly with local and regional authorities and by-passing national governments , the Commission hoped to be able to co-ordinate the allocation of the Structural Funds and direct aid more effectively to the problem areas , thereby also implicitly weakening the influence of national government upon the use of EC funding .
21 Then , as now , most people wanted to be able to experience the constancy and trust that comes only with faithfulness in a relationship .
22 Nearly all GPs wanted to be able to take violent patients off lists immediately .
23 Exceedingly self-reliant , each man seemed to be able to do his own thinking and to be purely democratic and independent in his ideas and purposes .
24 While the nuclear power of the Royal Air Force ( RAF ) would always be dwarfed by that of the United States , Britain needed to be able to strike at Soviet targets of prime importance to herself .
25 Such a government had to be able to carry a programme of economies through the House of Commons : this immediately ruled out the possibility of a Labour minority government led by Henderson , as suggested by Moodie in an otherwise illuminating article .
26 By achieving availability once again in the Mediterranean , Iraq hoped to be able to raise its output to 2 million b/d for 1986 , though this figure fell well short of its potential , widely estimated at nearer 4 million b/d .
27 So what has brought the best known boxer on the unofficial circuit , the best known bouncer in town , the man who has inspired film scripts and tall tales in the snooker halls , once one of the six people in Britain said to be able to bench-press 500 pounds , what has brought him to the dock in front of Judge Richard Lowry and to the possibility of spending the rest of his life locked up with robbers and rapists ?
28 As in the past , this normally involved a process of barter : to obtain information the ambassador had to be able and willing to give it in return .
29 This approach had to be able to explain the way in which events since 1930 had unfolded — a matter , said Carr , of analysis rather than normative commitment .
30 There was no doubt in my mind at the time that Ferrari wanted him and that negotiations had reached a fairly advanced point : perhaps exactly the point Mario wanted , the point where he could go to Chapman and say that he 'd like to stay at Lotus but that Chapman had to be able to match Ferrari 's money .
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