Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [verb] each other " in BNC.

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1 Two cultures rarely understand each other , especially when one is waxing dominant .
2 But the beauty and the loving care with which many a smaller city had been built and adorned in the early days of the Greek cities is a vital element in the history of the Greek city , obscurely pointing to a time , not of peace — for in Greece the lion never lay down with the lamb , and neighbouring cities constantly fought each other — but of more equal prosperity .
3 It saw journalists verbally attacking each other and Labour 's press secretary making her own emotional public statement .
4 James Molyneaux and the Rev Ian Paisley have already set this deadline for the resumption of talks and even as their two parties vigorously fought each other in several constituencies , joint working groups were in session drawing up vital working papers for the forthcoming negotiations .
5 However , in practice , processed pictures and processed words mostly support each other ; use of desktop publishing ( dtp ) software can make achieving this support easier than it is otherwise .
6 It can also be seen from ( 6.17 ) , that this is the hypersurface on which the two opposing waves mutually focus each other , as the contraction of each wave here becomes unbounded .
7 We may conclude that , in all cases , the opposing waves mutually focus each other onto the hypersurface , on which the contraction of the waves is unbounded and the line element ( 6.20 ) is singular .
8 The reason for this choice is associated with the convenience of aligning the coordinate directions with the shear axes on the surface on which the two waves mutually focus each other .
9 In the Bell-Szekeres solution , it has been shown that the hypersurface on which the opposing waves mutually focus each other is a Cauchy horizon rather than a curvature singularity .
10 Even by the standards of New York , the primary race for the Democratic presidential nomination has been a shameless charade , with the candidates grotesquely outbidding each other in their hunger for the city 's myriad sectarian votes .
11 In ‘ serious music ’ , by contrast — examples of which Adorno draws , predictably , from Beethoven — the significance of the details and of the totality mutually create each other , with the result that every piece is unique .
12 Most remarkable was the way in which cat and dog , owl and rat , fox and ferret , pets of all sorts calmly ignored each other throughout , with never a bark and hardly a whine
13 The two sets of waves then cancel each other out , rather than adding up to a stronger wave as one might expect ( Fig.4.1 ) .
14 It would spoil the flow to point out that everybody has been at it since the start of recorded time , or that much of the world has been fighting keenly away in these recent decades , while Western Europe was trying to invent the political structures that would make sure its nations never fight each other again .
15 An interesting point to note in real Spanish folk dance is that the boy and girl rarely touch each other .
16 Its importance was highlighted by the fact that Britain 's most notorious extreme anti-semite , Archibald H. Maule Ramsay , MP appeared to be its guiding spirit , which explains why there is now significant intelligence information on this secret society ; the fact that Jewish sources , MI5 and the Council for Civil Liberties broadly confirm each other , suggests that the reports were reliable .
17 And Hyde and Jekyll now hated each other with equal passion .
18 Seeing blocky and uninteresting sprites slowly hacking each other into oblivion does n't thrill me in any big way and I doubt it would excite anyone else .
19 This is a small-scale or unofficial credit union where people group together to help each other with major purchases , though we heard that the current rate of inflation has made it difficult for such groups to attract support .
20 ( Alan Whicker , it seems , was first choice : Palin makes an interesting substitute given the wicked Python parody of Whicker Island : a place full of Alan Whickers endlessly interviewing each other . )
21 He claimed that capitalist society was polarizing ‘ into two great hostile camps , into two great classes directly facing each other : Bourgeoisie and Proletariat ’ ( Marx , 1977 : 222 ) .
22 It is clear in any case that the growing size of the middle class must change fundamentally the image of capitalist society as one in which class antagonisms are simplified , and ‘ society as a whole is more and more splitting up into two great hostile camps , into two great classes directly facing each other — bourgeoisie and proletariat ’ , which Marx and Engels depicted in the Communist Manifesto and which Marxists and other socialists generally accepted without much questioning until the early years of the twentieth century .
23 He watched his aunt and Miss Williams wordlessly consult each other , but knew his aunt would do as she was told ; successful solicitor though she was , she was ten years younger than Miss Williams and , as she complained , totally intimidated by her as she had not been by anyone since her late headmistress .
24 Social groups are clearly not just bands of competitors and individuals often need each other for survival .
25 Given that the world 's terrorist organisations routinely assist each other , coupled with the hysterical and disproportionate outburst among the Irish community at the decision of Digital Equipment Corp to end manufacturing in Galway , it would be unwise of the authorities in New York to exclude Irish Republican Army involvement in the terrorist bomb under the World Trade Center .
26 You look for the creases , if you look at this doll is lov beautifully creased and you can see that the creases almost match each other , you turn the baby over and there 's lots of little creases and they match , can you all see that ?
27 Shevardnadze and Baker also met each other , reportedly discussing the continuing war in Angola and developments in Eastern Europe .
28 The Moon and everything that is on our planet 's surface mutually attract each other .
29 Active word detectors mutually inhibit each other and send feedback to the letter level , strengthening activation and hence perceptibility of their constituent letters .
30 ‘ Power and knowledge directly imply each other … there is no power relation without the correlative constitution of a field of knowledge , nor any knowledge that does not presuppose and constitute at the same time power relations ’ ( Foucault , 1977 : 27 ) .
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