Example sentences of "[noun] [noun prp] sit [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Miss Barrett sat in the chair , and Rachaela sat down on one of the hard chairs by the table .
2 Amid these cliches , sly slanders and unavoidable realities , Ann Jones sits at the net and ponders .
3 Amid these cliches , sly slanders and unavoidable realities , Ann Jones sits at the net and ponders .
4 Guthrie Hepwood sat at the head of the table with Leith seated on his right , and with Naylor next to her .
5 The lorry set off with Chopper Harris and Frankie Albright sitting on the floor of the lorry , their arms resting on the top of the tailboard .
6 Paul Lexington and Bobby Anscombe sat through the whole play in silence .
7 Liam Devlin sat at the piano in the Lights of Lisbon , a cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth , a glass of wine on one side .
8 Aunt Bella sat at the table , poring over catalogues , surveying the accounts , calculating .
9 Sergeant Warden sat in the hard-backed chair , notebook at the ready .
10 Inside the living room at 495 Greenway Gardens Buchanan sat in the armchair Grimwood had occupied , legs stretched out , crossed at the ankles .
11 On 28 January 1992 District Judge Harris sitting in the Liverpool County Court granted the debtor 's application to set aside a statutory demand dated 15 August 1991 which had been served on the debtor on 21 August 1991 by the creditors , Marshalls , a firm of solicitors , in respect of their unpaid bill of 31 July 1991 , and dismissed the bankruptcy petition founded on that demand , which had been issued on 20 September 1991 , on the basis that the service of the statutory demand had contravened section 69(1) of the Solicitors Act 1974 .
12 The appeal is by a firm of solicitors , Marshalls , against a decision by District Judge Harris sitting in the Liverpool County Court on 28 January 1992 .
13 On 4 September 1989 , while serving that sentence , Price , who had previously made a statement to the police , appeared before Senior District Judge Barbro Sjôsten sitting in the Gôteborg City Court , and was examined by the district prosecutor .
14 As I recall , I had conveyed a plea to Miss Kenton for assistance — via a messenger , naturally — and had left M. Dupont sitting in the billiard room awaiting his nurse , when the first footman had come hurrying down the staircase in some distress to inform me that my father had been taken ill upstairs .
15 Mr Trotter sat by the roaring fire , reading his science magazine when suddenly , his peace was shattered by screaming coming from outside .
16 In the kitchen Mrs Blakey comforted her and Mr Blakey sat at the scrubbed table stirring sugar into a cup of tea .
17 He and Mr Fletcher sat at the table and Willie took one of the mugs and perched himself on the stool in front of the range .
18 Martin Jackson sat among the people waiting by the arrivals gate and read a journal he 'd picked up at the news-stand .
19 Mrs Bolger who 's expecting a baby next month has not been in court but her husband Ralph sat through the first two days .
20 Mr Nitch-Smith sat on the stage during Lonrho 's annual general meeting in March .
21 The familiar figure of Selwyn Hopkins sat on the bench under the horse chestnut tree , gazing out over the estuary .
22 Athelstan felt slightly ridiculous , he and Sir John sitting on the bed , Buckingham and Sir Richard looking down at them .
23 Helen Sandberg sat at the radio in the control room .
24 THE last time I saw Sting he was with Mrs Sting sitting on the TV-am sofa reminding us of our duty to the rainforests .
25 Ambassador Fairweather sat at the end of the table .
26 Mrs Rae sat at the other side of the fireplace and Madge watched her small eyes dart about in silent appraisal .
27 When I 'd left the horse in the yard and gone in for breakfast I found both Mackie and Sam Yaeger sitting at the table with Tremayne , all of them discussing that day 's racing at Nottingham .
28 That night Gabriel sat on the planking where his bed had been , and rehearsed brave , off-hand , modest responses to the playmaster 's sympathy …
29 Mrs Lennox sat on the bed beside Maggie .
30 Mrs Fletcher , Roe Padfield and Mrs Thatcher sat on the low cupboard by the door and Tom pulled the table out so that everyone could squeeze round on three chairs , a stool and the arm of the armchair .
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