Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] seems to be " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , the name " pupa " derives from a Latin word meaning a doll , for at this stage the insect within seems to be wrapped in swaddling clothes .
2 It is miffed that after struggling to get where it has , the industry suddenly seems to be rallying around an unproven — if conceptually similar — port by Apple rather than its own available technology .
3 What is extraordinary is that it is taking off in England — the land of the Stiff Upper Lip , where the primary emotion often seems to be fear of embarrassment .
4 Mrs Holloway says that she 's sad that a once great industry now seems to be in terminal decline .
5 The second is transfer pricing : a subject which has received considerable attention in academic study , but where practice frequently seems to be restricted to what in theory may be regarded as the least satisfactory approaches .
6 The association therefore seems to be robust .
7 Well it 's , the shirt just seems to be too fine for it .
8 February always seems to be the busiest month for me .
9 Although attitudes are changing , the V6 engine configuration still seems to be the one ideally suited to the needs of a big executive car like the Safrane .
10 ‘ Most of the time , ’ she said slowly , ‘ Jonathon hardly seems to be there .
11 The existence of other endothelin receptors also seems to be increasingly likely ; indeed , it may well be difficult to imagine that the actions of three different peptides are mediated by just two receptors .
12 But the structure of the bonding also seems to be significant , with minerals having few silicon-oxygen bonds ( such as the neosilicates and inosilicates ) generally being less stable than those with more bonds ( such as the phyllosilicates and tectosilicates ) ( Fig. 6.3 ) .
13 The Sun also seems to be preparing the ground for a late smear .
14 His campaign now seems to be down to its last card — to brand Mr Da Silva as a dangerous radical who is bent on introducing Stalinist communism into Brazil .
15 The work now seems to be completed .
16 Blackbird Leys now seems to be succeeding in the struggle to improve its image , and later in the programme Nick Clark talks to the people who live there .
17 The question now seems to be : will Government policy be changed or will implementation of the closure plan merely be delayed or modified ?
18 Ahmed 's revulsion from Jane sometimes seems to be shared by the writer .
19 As this self is debated and discussed , the individualist sometimes seems to be demanding that a ceteris paribus clause should be included in all explanations of social phenomena — a murmured oath of loyalty to the freedom of the will along the lines of ‘ … and the individuals involved could have done otherwise ’ .
20 There is still a struggle to control the age , quality and temperature of food on your plate and the last leap forward seems to be to attain the perfect temprature for consumption .
21 Ligand binding to the EGF receptor therefore seems to be integrally associated with liver cell proliferation .
22 Lack of loadings have forced the two trips on July 15 and July 29 to go to the wall and FSS spokesman John Leech said : ‘ The recession still seems to be having an effect on the way people spend their money . ’
23 The kitchen always seems to be the first room in which you run out of space .
24 The whole area of Clacton always seems to be a tidy and a very pleasant town to visit .
25 Once it is understood that the symptoms of disease are actually a good thing in that they are the highly characteristic outward indication of the healing and balancing process that is going on inside each individual person , then to give a medicine that is capable of mimicking and bringing about that same process suddenly seems to be a good idea ; both totally reasonable and logical .
26 The clinical usefulness of the polymerase chain reaction thus seems to be limited only by the power of our imagination in identifying specific targets .
27 The level of suspicion thus seems to be no less than that required to effect an arrest .
28 In many ways it was like the staff common room in a school where institutionalization of this nature always seems to be very strong .
29 The worst moment always seems to be immediately before you step into the unknown .
30 The best explanation of their incompatibility still seems to be Mommsen 's : divus Marcus is a later gloss .
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