Example sentences of "[noun] [noun pl] gave [pers pn] [art] " in BNC.

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1 From slang to puns to points of conflict , the end result is something like homeboy fashion meets voodoo charm and , back in ‘ 88 , the LA Times gave her a fitting nickname , ‘ East LA 's Ambassador Of Culture ’ .
2 The panic attacks gave her the perfect excuse , as no blame could possibly be attributed to her .
3 ‘ The Customs men gave me a cup of coffee , mopped up my tears and — ’
4 Samantha led Jacqueline out to buy a paper bag of corn to feed the portly , over-privileged pigeons and Haverford Downs gave them a taste of his ‘ Jottings ’ .
5 ‘ I used to do a lot of home brewing and going round beer festivals gave me the idea of doing it for a living .
6 The structured the structured thought patterns gave me an actual er organisation to my talk be it only just a few words on a piece of paper it was simple yet er gave the organisation to the actual talk while you stood up in front of an audience .
7 Completing these and other joint improvement activities gave us a total of more than £1m saved in 1991 , making some £4m since we began our haulier performance improvement programme .
8 The red-and-white skull-cap above the monkey eyes gave him the air of a performing chimpanzee .
9 As promised , one of the project workers gave me an early shake and I had time enough for a coffee before I needed to set off to meet Jenny .
10 A stormy passage up the west coast in Autumn gales gave us a taste of what was to come , and those among the crew of that time will remember it as the Force Ten winter .
11 Sometimes his Spidergob mates gave him a bit of a skragging on account of it ; not like what you 'd skrag a Mad Dog or a Scarface , if you ever got the chance , ‘ course .
12 The Palmyra authorities gave them no assistance .
13 Family connections gave her an inside view of Oxford 's local government , and hers is the best account of it in all the surveys .
14 The roomy silos of the hull flanks gave it a bulbous appearance that defied approval by any aesthetic but the purely functional .
15 Her powerful twin Paxman engines gave her a range and reliability we had long sought after and the increased accommodation meant that more revenue work could be carried out by a crew of eight customs officers .
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