Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] areas where the " in BNC.

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1 Because the actual physical damage was so variable in its extent , it was immediately obvious to the early investigators that the almost total mortality was not solely the result of the force of the blast , since there would have been at least a few survivors in areas where the blast was less severe .
2 The nature of those policies with their emphases on private sector developments , home ownership and small businesses , suggests that in part at least the Government is seeking to produce electoral change by introducing traditional Conservative supporters to areas where the party has been very weak — as , for example , in many of the residential developments in London 's Docklands .
3 Some have tested host responses towards real or model cuckoo eggs with different degrees of mimicry in areas where the host is sympatric with the parasite and in areas where the host has ( presumably ) never been parasitized .
4 Possible Lower Palaeozoic sources will only be of interest where they have escaped premature maturation brought on by burial under thick Devonian cover , a factor very difficult to assess ahead of analytical work in areas where the Devonian has itself suffered erosion .
5 This book is particularly useful as a reminder of areas where the reader may have become rusty , and as an update of the very good ongoing R&D work in the field of corrosion inhibition .
6 Less dramatically , but of no less threat to those concerned , the publication of even so innocuous a list as the Electoral Register can , by disclosing the addresses of those who live alone , present a distinct danger in areas where the crime rate is high .
7 Thus Article 92 provided for aid by member states " to promote the economic development of areas where the standard of living is abnormally low , or where there is serious underemployment " provided that such aid did not " adversely affect trading conditions " .
8 Third party distributors perform the same role in areas where the group does not have offices .
9 More accurately , we have witnessed a reaction by increasingly competitive producers to the uneven spatial development of class struggle , resulting in the migration of all types of employment , but especially manufacturing , from areas of high class struggle to areas where the struggle is less developed .
10 Certainly , there were broad differences between areas where the plough was dominant and those where grassland was typical , but within these areas there were many deviations from the norm .
11 This means we can use governors in areas where the above
12 Sand and rock carried by the water helped to erode the limestone further and to chisel out cave passages and chambers in areas where the rock was particularly weak .
13 Given the value attached to a lord 's maintenance of his servants ' local interests , national eminence could not , in itself , create a significant connection in areas where the lord had no other influence .
14 Given the value attached to a lord 's maintenance of his servants ' local interests , national eminence could not , in itself , create a significant connection in areas where the lord had no other influence .
15 In a discussion document published on 11 June the Department of Trade and Industry also sought views on extending this exemption to areas where the auditor 's only relationship with an associate company providing non-audit services to a client is as a trustee .
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