Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] themselves [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Conductors could make some money for themselves by selling lists of well-known passengers on their trains to representatives of the Associated Press .
2 Patrons attach clients to themselves by extending loans to the latter in times of crisis .
3 His theory is that the two men were either freelance or else they decided to try and kill the President by themselves without telling the others . ’
4 Hit and run were the tactics , the Australians preferring to kill five or six Japanese than risk casualties to themselves by tarrying longer to kill more enemy in one skirmish .
5 And the German emperors , the successors of Charlemagne , saw the advantages of Roman law to themselves in spreading their control .
6 One positive result of a newly motivated group would be that some might see the advantages to themselves of returning to full-time education at the age of sixteen .
7 The most subtle strategy available to a teacher is that of teacher-in-role , for this device is flexible enough to have any one of the three functions ; it can take the pupils ' attention off themselves by allowing them passively or actively to use teacher 's role as a projection , or it can be non-projective and challenge the pupils to interact .
8 ‘ I know it sounds bizarre to say that when someone has made an awful lot of money and had a lot of fame and adulation , but you can wreck their minds , you can wreck their self-ego and esteem by giving them the whole wrong picture of themselves by pretending they are good at one thing when they are not and boosting other things .
9 The writers of fabliaux commonly draw attention to themselves by naming themselves , signing their work at beginning or end , and they don a limited number of disguises as their narratorial personae — as in the case of Boivin de Provins described above .
10 Micrografx staff drew attention to themselves by wandering around in gear stolen from the Mexican extras in a spaghetti western .
11 The Dodger and Charley Bates , not wanting to attract attention to themselves by running down the street , had stopped round the first corner .
12 The partners also made a name for themselves in modifying , improving , and building printing machinery , especially for The Times from 1818 .
13 After explaining his love of art , he gave the police the opportunity to see some classic paintings for themselves by directing them to his parent 's house in Lyons where they recovered the Renoir and several other works .
14 The Europeans were encouraged to devalue , and to open up trade between themselves before freeing their exchanges with the US .
15 First , Mr Hurd himself is sceptical — and amused — about the aspirations of some other EC countries which , while taking no part in the war , dream of a grandiose role for themselves in creating peace conferences afterwards .
16 The ultimate principle of the welfare state is well summarized by a French resistance declaration demanding ‘ a complete plan of social security , designed to secure the means of existence for all French men and women wherever they are incapable of providing such means for themselves by working ’ ( quoted Saint-Jours , 1982 , p. 122 ) .
17 Although encircled by the Dwarfs , half starved and weary from the march , the Orcs gave a good account of themselves by fighting their way out of the trap and out-distancing the Dwarfs .
18 CBHPs aim to help build self-reliant communities in health , defining a truly self-reliant community as one that is ‘ built on the peoples ’ capacity to take care of themselves by tapping and developing local and external human and material resources ’ .
19 The Fellowships have a primary end in themselves in providing the route to sustained abstinence from mood-altering substances and behaviours .
20 A further paternalistic argument is that a law restricting consent helps to protect individual citizens from themselves by counteracting some of the social pressures and shame which might otherwise occur .
21 But Coun Szintai criticised the Salvation Army for suggesting that some people brought the problem upon themselves by spending cash on smoking and drinking .
22 But taxpayers can improve the benefit of their subscription at no extra cost to themselves by making a covenant .
23 The Six each saw benefits to themselves from joining the Common Market and hence signed the treaty of Rome .
24 I was disappointed that Yorkshire did n't want me , but quite a few players have made good careers for themselves after slipping through their net and I am determined to become another . ’
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