Example sentences of "[noun] [noun sg] upon a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A liberal interpretation to prevent the statute operating upon a casus male inclusus may sometimes be comparatively easy , as it was in Re Sigsworth .
2 In one of the earlier cases B. ( B.R. ) v. B. ( J. ) [ 1968 ] P. 466 , in which the court authorised the performance of a blood test upon a child of four , Lord Denning M.R. said , at pp. 473–474 :
3 Rule 7.3(12) of Lautro 's Rules requires service of a copy of an intervention notice upon a person or firm in the position of Winchester because the notice relates specifically to matters prejudicial to that person or firm .
4 But the argument might as well be put the other way round : his inability to formulate counterfactuals is just one consequence of the difficulties attendant Upon a theory of such scope and grandiloquent abstraction .
5 SIR STEPHEN BROWN P. This is an application by a health authority for a declaration to authorise the surgeons and staff of a hospital to carry out an emergency caesarean operation upon a patient , who I shall refer to as ‘ Mrs. S. ’
6 Many is the time I have been able at my grandmother 's table to lick my fingers after eating a cream coronet upon a precedent established by good Queen Mary who had been observed doing such a thing by no less than my grandmother when visiting the big house .
7 The names were vaguely familiar ; he fancied he had seen them written up in gold lettering upon an office window in Stepney .
8 It is the total dependence of kinematics on the geometric model and the synthesis approach that it supports , which makes it an ideal design tool upon a computer graphics system .
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