Example sentences of "[noun] [noun sg] [prep] respect of " in BNC.

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1 Section 4(1) of the 1981 Act provides : ’ Subject to this section a person is not guilty of contempt of court under the strict liability rule in respect of a fair and accurate report of legal proceeding held in public , published contemporaneously and in good faith . ’
2 If proceedings have been issued you may be required to contribute to the Defendants ' legal costs , but this will usually be limited to the same amount that you contributed to the Legal Aid Board in respect of your own legal costs .
3 The House ordered that the defendant 's costs before the issue of his legal aid certificate in respect of his costs as from 5 July 1990 should be paid from the legal aid fund .
4 We consistently encourage observance of the common action programme in respect of Vietnamese boat people and in the light of events in other parts of the world , such as that to which my right hon. Friend referred .
5 If the vendor attempts to avoid a balancing charge in respect of an industrial building by granting a long lease at a premium out of the " relevant interest " which he owns , Newco will not be entitled to industrial buildings allowances on the premium ( see s20 Capital Allowances Act 1990 ) .
6 ‘ an appointed representative whose principal … is a member of such an organisation … and is subject to the rules of such an organisation … in carrying on the investment business in respect of which his principal … has accepted responsibility for his activities ; …
7 ‘ an appointed representative whose principal … is a member of ( a recognised self-regulating organisation ) and is subject to the rules of such an organisation … in carrying on the investment business in respect of which his principal or each of his principals has accepted responsibility for his activities ; …
8 On 26 February 1988 the plaintiff took out a distress warrant in respect of outstanding rent , then said to amount to £17,866 , and on 2 March 1988 bailiffs attended to execute the warrant .
9 On 26 February 1988 the landlord took out a distress warrant in respect of the outstanding rent , then said to amount to £17,866 .
10 If an enterprise changes its accounting policy in respect of certain deferred tax items , the normal rules regarding such changes , set out in FRS 3 ‘ Reporting financial performance' , are applicable .
11 Generally , an individual can not be a member of an occupational pension scheme and make contributions to a personal pension scheme or retirement annuity policy in respect of the same source of income .
12 The election was therefore to prevent a deemed discontinuance such that stock relief in respect of that trade 's goodwill could not be recovered .
13 UITF Consensus No 3 states in para 7 that ‘ the amount included in the consolidated profit and loss account in respect of the profit or loss on disposal of a previously acquired business , subsidiary or associated undertaking should be determined by including , if material , the attributable amount of purchased goodwill where it has previously been eliminated against reserves as a matter of accounting policy and has not previously been charged in the profit and loss account ’ .
14 The pension cost charged to the profit and loss account in respect of defined benefit pension schemes was IR£5,292,000 ( 1991 : IR£6,742,000 ) .
15 In November 1991 the Regional Council submitted the Urban Aid application in respect of an Urban Safety Road Project to be based in the Greater Pilton Area .
16 ‘ It is not in dispute … ( ii ) that Part II of the Insolvency Act 1986 does not give the English court jurisdiction to make an administration order in respect of a foreign company .
17 for about £420m. ; between then and the making of an administration order in respect of A. Plc. , in April 1990 , B. Plc.
18 In the case of members of committees who are not entitled to attendance allowance because they are not councillors of the authority , there is , instead of the attendance allowance , a financial loss allowance in respect of any loss of earnings necessarily suffered , or additional expense incurred ( other than travelling or subsistence allowance ) in performing an approved duty .
19 6.6 Insofar as this Agreement is less restrictive or onerous on the recipient Party in respect of the disclosure or use of any particular information than any undertaking given by the recipient Party prior to the execution of this Agreement in respect of the same information , such information shall to such extent be deemed to have been superseded by this Agreement .
20 Implement the Environmental Protection Act in respect of processes emitting gaseous pollutants ( 6k )
21 To exercise a staff management function in respect of the areas controlled .
22 As then , he dealt with the motion as a three-part whole rather than as separate clauses and refused to incorporate an amendment ( carried 2:1 ) which sought to modify the proposed Committee revision in respect of the Captains , which many members considered was a continuation of the sort of privileges previously enjoyed by bondholders .
23 of the remaining property in the vessel ; and ( c ) must be managed and its operations directed and controlled from within that member state ; and ( d ) must have as its charterer , manager or operator , a citizen of that member state , resident and domiciled therein , or a qualified company , in circumstances where no exception is made in respect of nationals of other member states , save that the member state has power to dispense with the nationality requirement in respect of an individual in view of the length of time such individual has resided in the member state and has been involved in the fishing industry of the member state ?
24 of the remaining property in the vessel ; and ( c ) must be managed and its operations directed and controlled from within that member state ; and ( d ) must have as its charterer , manager or operator , a citizen of that member state , resident and domiciled therein , or a qualified company , in circumstances where no exception is made in respect of nationals of other member states , save that the member state has power to dispense with the nationality requirement in respect of an individual in view of the length of time such individual has resided in the member state and has been involved in the fishing industry of the member state ?
25 of the directors of the company must be nationals of that member state ; ( b ) that the said legal owners and beneficial owners , charterers , managers , operators , shareholders and directors , as the case may be , must be resident and domiciled in that member state ; ( c ) that the vessel in question must be managed and its operations directed and controlled from within that member state ? ( ii ) Is the answer to question ( i ) above different where the power exists to dispense with the nationality requirement in respect of an individual in view of the length of time such individual has resided in the member state in question and has been involved in the fishing industry of that member state ?
26 This part of the question essentially asks whether the fact that the competent minister of a member state has the power to dispense with the nationality requirement in respect of an individual in view of the length of time such individual has resided in that member state and has been involved in the fishing industry of that member state can justify , in regard to Community law , the rule under which registration of a fishing vessel is subject to a nationality requirement and a requirement as to residence and domicile .
27 Consequently , the answer to be given to the national court must be that the fact that the competent minister of a member state has the power to dispense with the nationality requirement in respect of an individual in view of the length of time such individual has resided in that member state and has been involved in the fishing industry of that member state can not justify , in regard to Community law , the rule under which registration of a fishing vessel is subject to a nationality requirement and a requirement as to residence and domicile .
28 ( 4 ) The fact that the competent minister of a member state has the power to dispense with the nationality requirement in respect of an individual in view of the length of time such individual has resided in that member state and has been involved in the fishing industry of that member state can not justify , in regard to Community law , the rule under which registration of a fishing vessel is subject to a nationality requirement and a requirement as to residence and domicile .
29 It involves all aspects of erm the law in relation to firearms , their issue , their use er great emphasis placed on er section three of the criminal law act in respect of the use of reasonable force .
30 On Nov. 15 it ordered the French car group Renault to repay some F 12,000 million ( approximately equivalent to USdollars 1,900 million as Nov. 13 , 1989 ) of state aid received since 1988 , having already demanded the repayment of F 111,200,000 from the Peugeot group in respect of a cheap credit deal .
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