Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh pn] gave [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 You 're being asked erm you told us you rang up the Assistant Chief Constable who gave you the authority to carry out the armed operation .
2 ‘ The girl who gave you the message from Richter .
3 The solicitors who gave him the court order for them to release all the details on that .
4 John was a catalyst who gave them the exposure .
5 Hailed as the troubled comic genius who gave us the manic hotel-keeper Basil Fawlty and the Ministry of Silly Walks , he 's also the kingpin of the enduring Pythons and a multi-millionaire businessman .
6 Indeed , it was the Moors who gave him the title by which he is best known , a contraction of the Arabic sid-y , meaning ‘ my lord ’ .
7 THE grandfather of Cadbury Flake girl Rachel Brown last night hit out at the ‘ evil ’ person who gave her the designer drug Ecstasy .
8 He had been given curious looks by the person who gave him the directions which show that he was a stranger as he was not recognised .
9 She may be 82 , but the woman who gave us the breathalyser is still going strong .
10 FERGIE is throwing a Christmas party for the people who gave her the courage to get over her fall from grace in the Royal Family .
11 Evelyn took up the pen and wrote her name quickly , then looked up at Miss Harker who gave her the briefest of nods and immediately turned her attention back to the rest of the company .
12 gets past but he ca n't get past and Shrewsbury are breaking with it but they 're still inside their own half at the moment with Kevin who gave them the fighting chance with the original equalizer inside the first half .
13 It was Virginia who gave me the clue .
14 A lonely childhood , a youthful longing for adventure , made it easy enough for Dick to lay aside his devotion to an almost legendary father and to dedicate himself to the service of a man who gave him the emotional security and incentive he had lacked for so long .
15 The man who gave us The Romans in Britain still knows how to make an audience feel uncomfortable .
16 The man who gave us the meson
17 Phrasal verbs come in for more attention with Phrasal Verbs Organiser from LTP ( by the man who gave us the First Certificate Organiser ) , while HarperCollins is publishing a Phrasal Verbs Workbook to accompany its dictionary .
18 It was the capitalist who gave us the steam engine .
19 Apart from Fedorov , that fellow who gave us the slip the other evening might turn up . ’
20 The doctor who gave me the medication asked me , ‘ Why did you do it ? ’ and I could n't answer because I did n't know .
21 After all , the chairman of a transport conglomerate which had tipped hundreds of thousands into party funds would not thank a prime minister who gave him the same reward as a Blackpool entertainer .
22 ‘ Remember , Alec , the doctor in London who gave me the job did say Koraloona was a living laboratory for the treatment of polio .
23 Are you going to tell me that it was someone who came back on the train from London who gave you the key ? ’
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