Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh pn] do [not/n't] understand " in BNC.

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1 Charlie Mears , the bank clerk , however , is more usually a secondrate poet who does not understand the value of his ‘ dreams ’ , scorning to think of them in terms of actual reincarnations , though these dreams are so vivid that reality and unreality seem mixed .
2 They even get angry and suggest these are lies put about by foreigners who do not understand how deeply attuned they are to Mother Africa .
3 We have tried numerous toddler catches but they are invariably pulled off by over-enthusiastic visitors who do not understand them .
4 A stray little Hungarian boy , sent away from his strife-torn country by his mother , to a new life in America with adoptive parents who did n't understand him .
5 A child who does not understand the nature of an oath may give unsworn evidence if in the opinion of the court : ( i ) he understands that it is his duty to speak the truth ; and ( ii ) he has sufficient understanding to justify his evidence being heard ( s96(1) and ( 2 ) ) .
6 When he is sentenced to gaol he pleads in mitigation that he ‘ might have been a better citizen if I 'd had the levels ’ , to a Judge who did n't understand what he was saying , and of course the last page sees him studying for ‘ the levels ’ in prison .
7 Everybody is taking advice from former emigres who do n't understand our economy .
8 Persons who do not understand the nature of the act can not give consent .
9 Well , I 've had enough of being the wife who does n't understand you !
10 There is some United States authority for the proposition that service on a person who does not understand the language of the document in question is not good service on want of due process grounds .
11 My dear Friend , You 're a fathead who does n't understand a joke .
12 He said , ‘ People who do n't understand liturgical acts generally get pompous when they dress up . ’
13 Apparently it is considered ill-bred in the extreme to speak Welsh in front of English people who do n't understand it .
14 Unfortunately there are many people who do n't understand much about AIDS and they are frightened .
15 For people who do n't understand , College Green is the bit of greenery outside Westminster where people rush out to be interviewed on camera .
16 And that 's er that 's all normal people who do n't understand any of it that 's the way they 'd go about it is n't it ?
17 According to students , company recruitment presentations were often ‘ downright boring ’ , made either by people who do not understand engineering , or engineers who are ‘ past it ’ .
18 According to students , company recruitment presentations were often ‘ downright boring ’ , made either by people who do not understand engineering , or engineers who are ‘ past it ’ .
19 People who do not understand his religious experience are fools !
20 When the computer was the domain of the ‘ data processing department ’ — with double doors to keep out unwanted irritants like dirt , warm air and people who did n't understand what was going on within — the resident team of programmers and operators went unchallenged .
21 They recognize the pointlessness of confrontation with a small creature who does n't understand the assumptions on which the adult is operating , and develop a capacity to catch the passing joy and respect serendipity .
22 Macbeth is a classic case of a man who does not understand about the co-operation between free will and luck .
23 It is because of the lack of community care resources and professionals who do n't understand the scope of their powers under the existing law .
24 He started taking his own photographs to publicise his collections when he got impatient with photographers who did not understand what he was trying to say ; this has lead him to launch a parallel career as a photographer and his work is much in demand by magazines who like his candid portraits of such luminaires as Caroline of Monaco .
25 Jotan had spoken Yek to him , for the tongue of the conquerors was employed everywhere , and there were few people in the known world who did not understand it .
26 Similarly , children who do not understand the meaning of the causal connectives will be likely to confuse cause and effect in their comprehension of other people 's causal explanations .
27 Ian Ramsden , development director of direct marketing agency Eurocom DMA , believes the D & AD awards are decided by ‘ classical ’ admen who do n't understand the blood ‘ n ’ guts approach of direct selling .
28 In most cases , this is difficult to develop because intelligence experts are seen either as outsiders who do not understand the business , or as lackeys to top managers .
29 Mr Kinnock said : ‘ You appear to be the only person left in the country who does not understand why the Chancellor resigned .
30 It all sounded very silly in a stuffy railway carriage spoken to two German soldiers who did not understand English .
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