Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh pn] be actually [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Samuel is one of the few informants in this study who was actually born in Jamaica and spent several years there .
2 was getting really cross and was beginning to call the police over she just produced a card and they just throw it and said this means nothing to me , this means nothing to me , cover your head and she just laughed at them and walked away , but he , he pounced on a Filipino girl who was actually wearing jeans , and socks and said her jeans were too short
3 Essentially what you 're saying is that a teacher who 's actually teaching you ought to be able to say to that teacher ‘ look , here 's a package , if you like , that you can insert into your range of skills , and these are of things that you can do with children which are worthwhile doing and fairly easily for you to acquire skills yourself , and they will be very good and helpful for the children ’ .
4 Essentially what you 're saying is that a teacher who 's actually teaching you ought to be able to say to that teacher ‘ look , here 's a package , if you like , that you can insert into your range of skills , and these are of things that you can do with children which are worthwhile doing and fairly easily for you to acquire skills yourself , and they will be very good and helpful for the children ’ .
5 The fifth-century kings of Macedon , and indeed those of the fourth century till Philip acceded in 359 , imported Greek culture — Pindar wrote a poem for Alexander I in the 490s — while keeping at spear 's length the Greeks who were actually manufacturing that culture .
6 People asked to imagine they are riding a bicycle have brain waves similar to those generated by a person who is actually riding a bicycle .
7 Erm really what er I wanted to do was erm to sort out the , the person who is actually going to the Chrism mass .
8 He just wants to go home or having a job and the despatcher needs to be established with the person who 's actually gon na use it .
9 It gave the name of a contact point to follow up information , although some of us had reservations about whether it should have been the person who was actually quoted in the press release
10 The document is basically a briefing document in order that every piece of information erm that is available to the police is then able to be passed on to the officers who are actually going to do the job .
11 Now up in Glasgow , we 've got a Strathclyde Labour authority who 's actually putting schemes like this in .
12 I 'm sure the people who 's actually used the studio theatre would willingly give up that week before it never used to happen .
13 I feel they 're putting units into this country , why not us put a unit into their country , not to kill their women and children , but to kill the people who 's actually doing it , whether they be I R A , U D A , knock 'em out , let's have 'em out once and for all .
14 And I think lots of need to be put in , but I think what needs to be done is to hear that the people who are actually living in the inner city , feel it is what they need .
15 I mean do you think it 's a good thing that the flats are coming down , for the people who are actually living there ?
16 They do n't protect bu su er , er the public , they protect the people who are actually manufacturing the products .
17 The , the video does actually illustrate the way in which some of these services have been developed , and it includes some comments from people who are actually receiving services .
18 er it was , basically the Kuomintang are just saying that the people who are actually leaving associations are riff-raff , you know
19 trained and nevertheless it is a disturbing thing and the development of this County has to do , not only with businesses succeeding and also with people who are actually making those businesses work and the only way you can do it is by having people employed doing useful things .
20 The press also quite like to talk to the people who are actually doing the business .
21 Mr Hurd said the essential distinction was ‘ between people who quite understandably want to move … somewhere else in order to achieve a more agreeable life , and people who are actually forced to do so by the well-founded fear of persecution .
22 There are n't many people who are actually spending their life doing maths .
23 Effectively what we 've got here is the mechanism whereby the client requirements are sent to the people who are actually going to do the job on the drawing board .
24 I 'm a car owner who 's actually thinking of selling my car because I do n't use it much in Glasgow I do n't need to , I can actually walk to work and to come to somewhere like Edinburgh tonight I would much prefer to use the train , but I think we could have much more adequal plans to do with pedestrianizing city centres so that cars were banned from them altogether , they could bring back trams which are much less in terms of pollution , they might not make us big profits for the company 's but they are a very good way , we , a lot of European cities still use trams .
25 A colliery manager who is actually planning and investing was asked how many pits would be producing at 130p per gigajoule .
26 they 're looking for an old boy eighteen to twenty five who was like a carpenter or a plumber who 's actually learnt a trade but he said the trouble is , he said
27 This is the reason that the ‘ equal-value amendment ’ was passed , which means that a woman seeking equal pay can compare herself with a man doing work of similar value , and not the more stringent condition of a man who is actually doing exactly the same work .
28 the man who 's actually called out in the middle of the night and stands in the pouring rain with his mac on directing operations .
29 The music was turned down at the request of a fat man who was actually trying to sleep through all the noise .
30 It 's not Edward King , the man who was actually drowned and whom , as it happens , Milton hardly knew , it 's Lucidas , the figure of the young poet , priest , put to some extent on a classical model that he is writing about .
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