Example sentences of "[noun] convince [pers pn] that [art] " in BNC.

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1 Although the government has gone to great lengths ( £1 million spent on marketing the proposals ( in an attempt to convince us that the NHS will still remain a National Health Service and will still be free to those requiring health care the proposals clearly spell the future of a health service which will move away from being a public tax funded service to a two tier service , with those who ca n't afford to pay on the bottom level receiving inadequate and cash starved services .
2 The briefing convinced him that the combination of the atomic bomb and air power would give the Western Alliance a favourable balance of power in the world for the foreseeable future .
3 He was aware that he was infuriating Ludovico by his opposition to the plan but everything he knew about his friend convinced him that the idea of a whirlwind marriage was wrong and could end only in disaster .
4 In 1886 she became secretary to the Women 's Protective and Provident League ( founded by Emma Patterson ) but resigned in 1889 when events in London 's East End convinced her that a more radical , socialist approach to women 's trade unionism was needed .
5 Experience convinced her that the man who was drunk would lecture them on the futility of dying , a theme prompted by the first mention of hospices .
6 Subsequent meetings with Dr Reid convinced him that a grave injustice had been done to both the parents of the nine children subject to the dawn raids of 1991 , and to Mrs W and her children , removed in November 1990 and whose disclosures while in care led to the later social work action .
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