Example sentences of "[noun] tend to be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This may be because burrowing forms tend to be rare in areas of frequent flooding , even when common in the surrounding country ( Sheppe & Osborne , 1971 ; Andrews et al . ,
2 In 1967 Abel-Smith and Stevens asserted that ‘ solicitors tend to be active members of rotary clubs , golf clubs , rugby football clubs and to become freemasons and leading churchmen ’ ( Abel-Smith and Stevens , 1967 , pp. 142–3 ) .
3 The cows have red freckles on the face and neck in particular , while those of the bulls tend to be greyish .
4 The hexachloroantimonate , , is easier to obtain — from , and sulphur — but its reactions tend to be slow due to its poor solubility in most solvents .
5 Rhythmic patterns tend to be sober and square-cut , and that liking for the C mode — as such , e.g. in Clemens 's Missa Misericorde , s or transposed to F with a B flat key-signature — which we have already noticed in Josquin , becomes very pronounced .
6 Inefficiency in the clinics and the universities is compounded by the fact that research groups tend to be small and isolated , shunning collaborative links with other small groups , either locally or nationally .
7 ‘ Both groups tend to be calm and function well under pressure .
8 Its meetings tend to be jolly occasions , though coloured by the perennial frustration of the children 's book world : why ca n't we all get together and promote children 's books generically ?
9 Criminal acts tend to be antisocial rather than conscious acts against " the state . "
10 Housewives tend to be busy all the time but they 're not really doing anything constructive , are they ?
11 Where marine action is relatively stronger deltas tend to be cuspate with concave outlines in plan , for example the Tiber , though one wonders whether these differences in plan might not be due primarily to the frequency and location of distributaries : the Tiber has only one .
12 Where sediment is abundant and wave and current action limited , deltas tend to be lobate , the classic example being the Nile .
13 For AMS , the upper age limit is determined by other factors such as machine stability and the degree of modern contamination introduced in the processing of very small samples ; the values tend to be similar to those for conventional radiocarbon laboratories .
14 In the , in the current Middle East erm so this pattern certainly applies to Judaism , not to all religions , he 's not saying that all religions have to undergo persecution in order to as it were flourish , but some religions do and perhaps the characteristic Judaism or at least this kind of monotheism is these kind of religions tend to be intolerant and single-mindedly , tend to say that we know the truth , everybody else is wrong and consequently they tend to persecute others and get persecuted and this leads to these periods of suppression , but there 's a tendency for this kind of return of repress just as Mike was saying , his very brilliant analogy he suggested the French Revolution when the students put the barricade up in the same place or so the erm Freud 's idea is that the things that happened in that first traumatic period back in Ancient Egypt and for example erm he said this is why the modern erm Jews insist on circumcision because the Ancient Egyptians did and this is , this is correct .
15 And the most general principle is : nominals occurring before the main verb of a sentence tend to be definite while those occurring after the main verb can be either definite or indefinite .
16 Thus , for example , left-wing authorities go out of their way to ban what seems to be racist matter , and right-wing authorities tend to be careful to exclude what may be regarded as homosexual literature .
17 Visible garnet-edges tend to be smooth , which may suggest wheel-cutting , but if rougher methods were used the slices could be polished afterwards to remove any roughness ( Bimson 1985 ) .
18 Russians tend to be smug about the complexity of their native tongue .
19 The high speed flight of birds demands good eyesight , and so birds tend to be diurnal .
20 WEEKEND TV HIGHLIGHTS by Graham Keal TV music shows fronted by established entertainers tend to be predictable affairs .
21 These digital and digitally remastered recordings date from the late ‘ 70s and '80s and information/presentation/quality are up to the usual Chandos high standards , although playing times tend to be short .
22 Such hierarchies tend to be stable with a powerful ‘ alpha ’ animal at the top .
23 But they need to be reassured that in all countries results from research tend to be indirect and to take time before they come to fruition .
24 In Congress , in addition to large personal staffs of members , the senior Democratic and Republican members of each committee may hire their own committee staff , and the recruits tend to be bright and ambitious postgraduates , especially lawyers .
25 The improvement in performance that occurs with training was held to depend not just on the strengthening of the association between the stimulus — word and the response — word but also on a reduction in the extent to which the various words tend to be confused .
26 These sulphur-anion interactions are not unexpected ; they are a common feature of 1,2-disulphur cations because these functional units tend to be moderate electron acceptors .
27 Knuth ( 1973 , p483 ) explains that we ‘ can save memory space at the expense of running time if we use a linked list for each node vector , since most of the entries tend to be empty ’ , which certainly applies to our lists of words .
28 All of these guidelines tend to be narrative and concentrate on qualitative trends and areas of concern but with an accompanying outline of quantitative forecasts .
29 Even today Scots tend to be wary of clever women ; but in those days , to be young , female , tall , beautiful , witty , talented and intelligent — and a Queen — was like writing one 's own death warrant .
30 When they are patterned , their designs tend to be simple spots and dapples .
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