Example sentences of "[noun] station [verb] on the " in BNC.

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1 Sunlight in The Medley Boat Station falls on the boats and trees and on the water where they are reflected .
2 ‘ It 's the right of every citizen to go to their polling station to vote on the day , but disabled people do n't have that right , ’ says Richard Wood , head of the British Council of Disabled People .
3 But after the weekend killing of 23 Pakistani UN troops , a new Somali-language radio station called on the 18,000-strong multinational peace-keeping force to go .
4 The National Trust is presently negotiating to buy the land from the Ministry of Defence and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office ( FCO ) which runs a BBC World Service relay station sited on the ness .
5 BSSO 's director , heads of Army and RAF intelligence , the chief British military policeman in Germany and MI6 's chief of Bonn Station sit on the Joint Intelligence Committee ( Germany ) .
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