Example sentences of "[noun] spend [adj] of his " in BNC.

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1 Not only will the Yorkshireman spend much of his time getting to know his charges , he also expects to play the odd game or two and his experience should prove invaluable .
2 Mr Morraine spent most of his time dusting his collection of strange-looking rocks and stones he had sent to him from all over the world .
3 Trained in Copenhagen ( where he shared a house with Caspar David Friedrich ) Dahl spent most of his working life in Dresden .
4 In his later years Bunyan spent much of his time visiting and overseeing nearby congregations , whilst his son worked the forge .
5 The river of Rat , Mole and Otter , which flowed past proud Toad Hall and had the threatening Wild Wood close by , was generally associated with the Thames , beside which Grahame spent many of his younger — and older — years .
6 Frank spent most of his time with his blindfold down or under his blanket , Brian and I read and exchanged ideas , plans and insults .
7 Marley spent much of his time away from Jamaica after being shot by raiders , and as a consequence his popularity dipped there to the benefit of Big Youth and Jacob Miller .
8 Silver Star Navigation , the centre of his empire , was based in London , and consequently it was in London that her future boss spent most of his time .
9 Einstein spent most of his later years unsuccessfully searching for a unified theory , but the time was not ripe : there were partial theories for gravity and the electromagnetic force , but very little was known about the nuclear forces .
10 Endill spent most of his time running around the house , hunting for things to explore .
11 Earlier in his racing career , the under-funded Hill spent most of his formative years riding motor bikes long before his mother Bette decided she had had enough of the dangers of two-wheel road racing .
12 The author spent much of his life as a bachelor Fellow of Brasenose College Oxford ; his cloistered life was devoted to writing , notably on classical antiquity and the Italian Renaissance .
13 Kinsey spent most of his early life studying the activities of the wasp .
14 Aside from his concert appearances in Singapore , Jackson spent most of his time in his hotel .
15 The veteran comedy actor spends most of his time alone amongst mountains of dirty dishes , pots and pans at his three-bedroom house in Leicestershire .
16 Harari spent much of his adult life in Israel 's secret world .
17 Lefevre spent much of his time standing about in the street outside the theatre to no avail , whilst Thiercelin wasted a day and a half following up a couple of false trails supplied by articles in the local newssheet .
18 Though Joseph spent much of his later life in exile from his beloved Wallowa Valley , he was never subjugated , possessing a kind dignity that was as powerful as his leadership when young .
19 After being baptised in the hands of Henry Spalding , Joseph spent much of his first seven years at the Lapwai Mission , where Eliza Spalding 's growing band of helpers gave academic and religious instruction .
20 Where Leopold was uninterested in territorial gains Joseph spent much of his life in often fruitless efforts to add to the Habsburg power in Germany , Italy , Poland or the Balkans .
21 But already the attraction of entertainment was strong ; Steen spent most of his limited pocket-money on tickets for the music hall and in 1923 launched himself as Mario , the Melodic Whistler .
22 Days passed and Jack spent most of his time at the hospital .
23 Many of Britain 's great inventors and innovators came from Birmingham : Matthew Boulton , the industrialist — his partner James Watt spent most of his life here — and John Baskerville , the printer .
24 When it became apparent that learners were not mastering grammatical structures by this method , pattern practice was introduced , and with the advent of language learning laboratories , the student spent much of his time listening to and mechanically repeating drills .
25 But Ingolstadt was also the town where Dr Johann Eck spent most of his life .
26 Angry at being separated from Jeanne , Modigliani spent much of his time drinking in a windowless little bar where local artists met , where he drank and ran up debts .
27 Silly-Willie spent most of his days shut in a back room .
28 During the next few months Mickie spent much of his time in charge of flight tests on the development of the W-3 at Hanworth and the type testing in Glasgow of the four-cylinder , in-line , engine , later known as the Pixie .
29 The mother found two children too much to cope with and C. spent most of his life with his grandmother , the father 's mother .
30 Though he has a good deal of contact with senior officials ( and in the northern agency spends most of his time at headquarters ) he has a strong loyalty to the field officers in his area , retaining from his own earlier experience as a field officer what he feels to be a sympathetic understanding of practical problems .
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