Example sentences of "[noun] until he [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 When he was satisfied no fresh threat was about to manifest itself from the darkness , he moved off back the way he had come , retracing his steps until he reached the shallow stream he had leapt a short time before .
2 The general opinion seems to be that since the bastard 's decided to stop shooting people , he can remain anonymous , stay at large , enjoy life and freedom , and laugh up his sleeve at an incompetent police force until he decides the time has come for a little more high-velocity fun . ’
3 He hugged the banister , counting its bar-like wooden rods until he reached the turn where it met the wall .
4 Did they take him there sober and ply him with booze until he reached the point specified by the director ?
5 It seemed to Creggan that she was surrounded by a powerful diffused light until he saw the mist was thinning and the sun beginning to shine .
6 As the sun was rising the next morning , Gabriel waited outside his hut until he saw the young woman riding up the hill .
7 In February it was unanimously agreed that Sir Denys should continue as boss until he reached the retirement age of 62 , making him the longest-serving chairman since Sir Paul Chambers , who ran — and dominated — the company from 1960 to 1968 .
8 Her therapist had , naturally , put it to her that she had married her first husband just because he resembled her father , but Scarlet had rejected the suggestion quite emphatically : he had been a quiet , timorous boy until he discovered the excitement of chasing women , and he had not been artistic at all .
9 Moments later the parade was dismissed and while others returned to their tents Charlie walked slowly back behind the lines until he reached the mass burial ground .
10 He closed the door behind him and walked slowly down the corridor until he reached the top of the marble staircase , passing his own office and Pat Muldoon 's without wishing to take a last look .
11 He made his way carefully down the hall until he reached the lounge .
12 His hand moved to her skirt and began to push the material upwards against her thigh until he reached the smooth flesh of her stomach .
13 Tavett crouched over his desk until he felt the swish of air as the woman passed by , purple and pink cotton skirts flapping .
14 He scrabbled angrily among the papers and galleys on his desk until he found the copy pad , and wrote on it : ‘ Morley stpd lttle prck .
15 He makes good progress until he reaches the cornice , which promptly rejects him in a cascade of cold , powdery ice .
16 They were incapable of experiencing any emotions , their bloodstreams devoid of blood yet flowing with drugs to sustain their pitiful physical states until he received the call , the dreaded call to wheel them into the lift and press the green button .
17 He crawled along the branch until he reached the nearest flower .
18 A hundred yards further on , he turns down Coney Lane , passes Shopfix , Atkinson Insulation , Bitomark , then runs alongside the railings that fence the Pringle site until he reaches the main entrance .
19 He walked along the Harrow Road until he found the small turning he wanted .
20 Just half-an-hour until he began the mission .
21 He went over to the spot where Allen had hidden , ‘ … and then moved from tree to tree until he reached the path about twenty paces ahead .
22 He ran his hand over the parquet flooring until he found the area he wanted .
23 In searching for question 7 for example , the examiner must open the book fully at each page until he spots the small number 7 almost tucked into the binding .
24 A newly appointed bishop joins the end of the queue and works his way up by attrition until he reaches the favoured band .
25 As more East Germans joined the cries for help , the diplomat burst through the front door and sprinted 300 yards around the embassy perimeter until he reached the grotesque tug-of-war .
26 He rooted around in his coat pocket until he found the address that Tony Jones had given him .
27 George lay with bated breath until he heard the taxi turn at the end of the street , then jumped from the bed .
28 He stepped in amongst the figures , moving around the bed until he reached the kneeling wax effigy .
29 Widower Lennie , 80 , was beaten up and had his toes sliced with a knife until he told the thugs where his wife 's jewellery was kept .
30 David Lloyd George had returned to the Liberal fold in 1923 and accepted his position as second in the Party to Asquith until he assumed the role of leader in October 1926 .
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