Example sentences of "[noun] keep a [adj] eye " in BNC.

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1 Luke Steer keeps a wary eye on the fulmars as he negotiates the finishing ledges ( photos )
2 Along with the Thwaites at High Birk Hatt the Fawcetts kept a neighbourly eye on the Hauxwells when they were at their most vulnerable .
3 We know that Brahms kept a keen eye open for new music , and that he knew Rheinberger — what I wonder is whether it was the Rheinberger Sonata that suggested to Brahms the form for the last movement of his Symphony ?
4 Even when that object was not consciously in view most proposals for Masai development tended in practice towards that end , their essential ingredient being some measure designed to move the Masai away from the semi-nomadism they had immemorially practised towards a way of living which would make it easier for administrators to keep a benevolent eye on them .
5 The Queen kept a sharp eye on the proceedings , and found it a favourable wet-day pastime to visit the Dolls ' House .
6 Our local PFA Inspector Pat Barker kept a keen eye on our progress , monitoring our workmanship at all the recognised stages throughout the build , and on 8 March this year , Midge 's propeller turned for the first time under her own engine power , being a Monday , I naturally had the day as holiday !
7 My elders in the newsroom kept a paternal eye on me , and approved if they saw me working on my Pitman 's .
8 There were not so many lights and Endill kept a close eye on the Headmaster in case he became lost in the darkness .
9 Some severe orange and purple lilies that look like toucans keep a fixed eye on me , as I sit , anchored , killing time .
10 Once a solicitor has been instructed by the applicant , it is evident from the files examined that the Commissioner keeps a close eye on the case , and is kept informed of all progress and developments by way of regular reports from the solicitor .
11 I was cowering in my usual corner in Boots ' chemist 's shop in Scarborough , where I had developed the habit of a weekly weigh-in to keep a morbid eye on my progressive emaciation .
12 Now that services are altogether more fragmented , it is very much more difficult for managers to keep a close eye on what is happening .
13 When services were concentrated in large hospitals , it was possible for good managers to keep a watchful eye open for the danger signals , and although the physical and emotional environment may not have been of high quality , most residents would be properly fed and clothed and protected from abuse .
14 And now , as dawn broke , Driver Oliver kept a watchful eye on the slowly lightening coastline .
15 Neville who oversees the zany stock-takes once a week keeps a watchful eye on the joke , gag novelty market .
16 Few candidates , though , are prepared to run too many risks for fear of having their elections challenged and declared void : expenses have to be declared and opponents keep a wary eye open for any infringement of election law .
17 Many employers keep a close eye on absence levels .
18 He did not go any further into the room but stood in the door keeping a watchful eye on Evans .
19 The Centre keeps a close eye on developments in economic computing and publishes a regular Bulletin which is distributed widely .
20 Almost immediately the party was reconstituted , but this time Göring kept a watchful eye on the Danzigers .
21 Shifting most of the body weight to the right leg , he pivots clockwise in a 180-degree arc , taking care to keep a watchful eye on his opponent .
22 This is quite possible since MI5 did not make a detectable or a sustained effort to keep a watchful eye on Ivanov 's movements .
23 Now , we very rarely went up to the great city and , when we did , Benjamin kept a close eye and a tight rein on me .
24 We 've go to keep a wary eye on what they 're doing .
25 So she 'd do just the opposite , keeping him close and at the same time keeping a watchful eye on all he was doing .
26 Mercifully the traffic progresses for fifty yards before it stalls again , and the Rasta does not pursue her further , but Robyn keeps a nervous eye on her rear-view mirror .
27 They met every day , usually in Zeinab 's appartement and Zeinab kept a proprietorial eye on what Owen was doing when he was away from her .
28 She had liked that idea , and thought somehow that her mother kept a watchful eye on her .
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