Example sentences of "[noun] make me feel [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This partially revived me after the £1,314 price tag made me feel faint .
2 His look made me feel guilty , though I could n't think why it should .
3 ‘ Flaming June ’ , people muttered bitterly amid the cascades of rain , and the thought of the poor men who must be waiting to set out across the choppy Channel in their small boats to fight a bloody battle on the other side made me feel cold and sick .
4 And she gave me an indulgent look and she said , ‘ I 'm really sorry , the pictures made me feel tender feelings for you , but they just really did not arouse me . ’
5 Surely if I know all this I should be able to put on just enough weight to make me feel comfortable , or at least stop losing any more ?
6 ‘ In the same way as some people might go to church and seek absolution , accepting that I have confessed to these sins makes me feel better .
7 On the other , my parents made me feel horrible , guilty .
8 Was this a deliberate campaign to make me feel small ?
9 All this chaff makes me feel uneasy and isolated — or rather , did make me .
10 That knowledge made me feel good .
11 For years his name made me feel sick too :
12 I kept them away by waving my sword in the air , but their wild cries frightened me , and the horrible smell from their bodies made me feel sick .
13 Both were smoking and the pungent smell of Gauloise tobacco so early in the morning made me feel sick .
14 Even indoors , where vigorous exercise was impossible , I would insist on open windows , explaining that lack of fresh air made me feel sleepy .
15 But elderly ladies make me feel uncomfortable and our small talk petered out ; I was glad when she said she must go and congratulate N'dosi and moved away .
16 The thought made me feel warm inside .
17 Their genuine spirit made me feel bogus and cowardly .
18 On a good day , it only takes a glimpse of blue sky or a tree in blossom to make me feel full of the joys of spring and in love with life .
19 This secrecy made me feel cold and lonely .
20 The insanity of my reality made me feel stupid and powerless .
21 Being the mother of George 's children made me feel important .
22 A bargain makes me feel threatened and seriously in need of urgent hospital treatment : depressed and unsure of myself .
23 I do n't need men to make me feel secure , to be a mother , to frame my morals , to pay my bills , to organize my life , to give me self-esteem .
24 Turning up out of nowhere , catching me off guard like this , managing with the flick of an expression to make me feel inferior all over again !
25 The idea makes me feel weak at the knees .
26 They have the ability to make me feel guilty if I do n't write/'phone/visit at regular intervals .
27 I did n't mind the new litter in Italy ; trash in cities makes me feel comfortable , as increasingly its absence from the streets indicates money , lots of it .
28 If one whisky makes me feel cheerful , four whiskies ought to make me feel very cheerful .
29 Mother makes me feel guilty .
30 Colonel Richardson 's pain is only the first pain to make me feel dreadful ( why , oh why , do women take to guilt like ducks to water ? ) and most people wo n't be as nice as he was .
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