Example sentences of "[noun] make [pers pn] [adv] easy " in BNC.

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1 When he entered the party in 1927 , his radical , iconoclastic temperament made it relatively easy for him to align his own cultural views with those of a sectarian political group .
2 There are sound anatomical reasons for this — the distance of the penis from the anus militates against direct infection from that source , and the ‘ external ’ nature of the penis makes it more easy to keep clean and perhaps abort an early infection .
3 The mass of legislation governing the haulage industry makes it quite easy to step outside the confines of the law , albeit inadvertently .
4 Human Designed Systems Inc this week will try to simplify X-terminals to make them as easy as serial terminal with a new version of its ViewStation FX server software dubbed HDSware 2.0 .
5 Delivering the keynote address at the Windows World annex to Comdex yesterday , Bill Gates announced that NT source code will be given to some US research institutions , including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology , the University of Washington , Stanford University , Browns University and Xerox Palo Alto Research Center and they will be free to make their own enhancements to the Microsoft Corp operating system : Unix System Laboratories Inc has been less encouraging of the university fraternity in recent years , and the move is intended to unsettle the Unix community ; Gates also claimed NT 's Posix interface made it as easy ‘ to move applications here as to any of the versions of Unix out there . ’
6 Gates also claimed NT 's Posix interface made it as easy ‘ to move applications here as to any of the versions of Unix out there . ’
7 The restructure of the coal , aggregates , Speedlink , petroleum and metals businesses made it relatively easy to identify and organise separate sub-sector fleets , increasingly recognised by the new grey livery decorated with esoteric fleet symbols and depot badges .
8 The menu makes it very easy to use and the saving of high scores gives everybody something to aim for .
9 So often , people make it so easy for the criminal — it 's a gift !
10 Modern composite materials make it relatively easy to tackle walls , ceilings and floors , and of course double glazing is the accepted solution for reducing condensation on window surfaces .
11 Devices such as internal pricing made it relatively easy for international companies to disguise the transmission of funds in or out of the country , quite apart from the purely technical problem of valuing overseas assets .
12 It is visible with the naked eye , and its position close to Eta and Mu makes it very easy to locate .
13 The softness of gold made it relatively easy to employ for ornamental purposes .
14 The French government succeeded in carrying through their plans for three reasons — because the more centralised legal and planning structure made it less easy for pressure groups to hinder progress , because , to a large extent , the government 's arguments — that it was a straight choice between nuclear power and penury — were both heard and largely accepted and , finally and possibly most important , direct and immediate financial benefits were offered .
15 It is also writing safeguards into its software to make it less easy to copy .
16 This greatly aids management and the nature of these systems makes them very easy to tie into computer control .
17 It is now a classically wedge-shaped dairy cow , particularly fine about the neck and shoulders , with an alert carriage and generally elegant appearance ; its mild temperament makes it very easy to handle and it is famous for its productive longevity .
18 Extensive remains of the foundations of such temples make it relatively easy to establish their plan , but reconstruction of the superstructure is more speculative as almost all the walls and trabeation have disappeared .
19 As the mouse pointer hovers above each button , or indeed any of the drop-down menu options , a short description of the function appears in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen making it really easy to produce your first spreadsheet with minimum reference to the manual .
20 The cuffs have a large opening secured by two buttons making it very easy to roll them up the arm .
21 There is a powerful argument that as far as sexual behaviour is concerned , an area in which consent makes the difference between gross violation and shared pleasure , and in which physical proximity makes it relatively easy to ask about consent , the law should in effect impose a duty to enquire .
22 Designs can be executed by incision or drilling , relief carving can be done with quite simple tools and the comparative porosity of the material makes it relatively easy to achieve polychrome effects by staining .
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