Example sentences of "[noun] would have prefer a " in BNC.

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1 He believes fans would have preferred a more lavish packaging for ‘ Bizarro ’ and that its fierce edge might have been a reaction to signing with RCA .
2 Instead of a free subscription to an obscure journal ( which came with the registration fee ) many listeners would have preferred a decent abstract list — not to mention fewer unimaginative and time-worn presentations .
3 King Hussein would have preferred a separate Palestinian delegation , he said , but " we have no objection to providing an umbrella for our Palestinian brethren " .
4 In the Liberal cabinet the majority was against allowing the PLA and Lord Devonport to be coerced by the Transport Workers Federation into a settlement ; Lloyd George and Haldane would have preferred a minimum wage for all dock workers and disliked Devonport 's intransigence , but were outvoted .
5 I knew Oscar would have preferred a quieter , less raucous venture , on a weekday perhaps , but I had to work on certain days and those days came up during his visit .
6 It seems certain that Louis-Napoleon would have preferred a prolongation of his power by legal means , but in the long run it was equally clear that he would not shrink from a confrontation with the opposition .
7 McGovern appealed to the young , anti-war , reforming wing , while the hardened professionals would have preferred a " safe " candidate like Hubert Humphrey .
8 However the Occupational Pensions Board called for a pensions tribunal and Tony Thurham , chairman of the Association of Pensions Lawyers , said : ‘ Many pensions lawyers would have preferred a tribunal since it would probably have had greater powers and more staff .
9 It is no secret that many business leaders would have preferred a new assertive Chancellor .
10 Jocelyn on the other hand would have preferred a few irregularities in life and so was leaving to live in a battered wives hostel .
11 Unlike his younger brother , Nicu , Valentin would have preferred a life of anonymity .
12 I know that his party would have preferred a separate Bill for Scotland , introduced by the Scottish Office , but it understands that because of a shortage of time the only way to achieve its objective is for one Bill to cover England , Wales and Scotland .
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