Example sentences of "[noun] would have require a " in BNC.

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1 To have released Meehan from seven years of wrongful imprisonment , recommended a free pardon for him , and then to have arrested and charged Waddell for the same crime would have required a greater degree of resolution than either of them possessed .
2 Private shareholders in Concorde would have required a high expected return to entice them into such a risky project .
3 It is unlikely that these techniques would have required a check in the action .
4 It is reckoned that , at the speed of 1916 aircraft , such a blockade of the air would have required a minimum of 720 planes , not 168 , to have been in the least bit effective .
5 Pressures were now underway for decolonisation and , in any case , the economic exploitation of the colonies would have required a massive capital outlay which Europe could not possibly finance .
6 On the other hand , those who wanted to play with more power would have required a piano with a check .
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