Example sentences of "[noun] which gave them a " in BNC.

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1 It was the goals from McStay , McAllister and McClair which gave the Scots a stirring win in Norrkoping , and the bite of McCall which gave them a formidable balance .
2 With great trepidation and much backsliding the tsar eventually granted the serfs a sort of freedom , but if their interests had been dear to his heart he could have committed himself earlier and pressed harder for a settlement which gave them an economically viable future .
3 They preferred their little aerosols of teargas which gave them a false sense of security .
4 This meant that people were no longer willing to put up with unsatisfactory Church officials ; laymen especially were developing a personal spirituality which gave them a new confidence and commitment to their faith and which also enabled them to form an independent view of theology and Church organisation ; they no longer had to rely on the educated establishment .
5 Scientism is a not-unattractive doctrine , and was especially so to a rising professional middle-class who associated with it theories of eugenics and of mankind which gave them a pleasing sense of class and racial superiority ; but in the later nineteenth century there was no reason to anticipate these darker sides of progress .
6 In a bid to simulate a cave of ice the set walls were coated in a fibre-glass matte mixture which gave them a shiny , brittle look under the correct lighting .
7 Parliament did not often pass laws with any wide-ranging implications , and the most wide-ranging recent laws , the religious legislation of the Reformation , were never applied at all precisely in America , but no legal framework could have been imagined for the colonies which gave them a legitimate position under English law without putting them under the legislative supremacy of Parliament .
8 The achievement of Edward IV and Henry VII lay less in the size of their income than in their creation of a landed estate which gave them a substantial revenue over which they had complete control .
9 Such as his momentous climb about Inter 's Colloveti in the Milan derby which gave them a goal to savour in that frenzied city .
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