Example sentences of "[noun] they [vb base] themselves [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , I should warn those present of the risks they expose themselves to under McNab 's treatment … which is , however , not a treatment at all , but a waste of time .
2 In the process of reading the images they construct themselves as a particular kind of audience .
3 In Sanduny baths they beat themselves like carpets , but here in the North the beating is an art . ’
4 ( 5 ) In breach of their fiduciary duties they put themselves in a position where there was a conflict between their duty to the plaintiff to inform him and their personal interest in ensuring that they obtained commission on both Vertigo and Caliban. ( 6 ) As a consequence ( a ) the plaintiff was entitled to damages for breach of contract and fiduciary duties ; ( b ) the defendants , being in breach of their fiduciary duties as agents , were not entitled to their commission .
5 Used as an integral part of teaching they lend themselves to workshops and multi-media situations .
6 When subjects arrive at the sleep laboratory in the evening for a night 's recording they prepare themselves for bed in the normal way .
7 But when the Central Policy Review Staff ( the ‘ Think Tank ’ ) had suggested in the early eighties that they mount a full-scale investigation into the practices and abuses of the professions , they discovered that the influence of the lawyers upon Number 10 was so strong that the proposal was sat upon and then returned , with a suggestion they confine themselves to teachers and social workers .
8 We tend to assess people through what they say and the way they say it , to come to conclusions about whether we will like someone from the way they present themselves in words .
9 During the autumn and winter of that dramatic year they put themselves at the forefront of agitation for more effective air raid precautions , and used their influence in the war factories to defend workers ’ living standards while criticizing the inefficiency of management .
10 As soon as they see their names on the leaderboard they worry themselves to death until their name 's gone off the board .
11 No doubt they see themselves as devoted middlewomen , bringing the truly important work of the time to the avid masses , but all they are really doing , wrote Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) is fucking up the lives of both sets of people .
12 Well , they say that remarks that they would feel were friendly remarks directed towards students they stop themselves from saying and examine and think if I say that will I make her feel uncomfortable ?
13 They are immigrants and in a town full of bigots they keep themselves to themselves .
14 As for the case made against the versions in the Classic Anthology — that by using rhyme they align themselves with the closed poetry of print and not with the open poetry of the speaking breath — the obvious retort is that , although in these poems Pound often rhymes , he writes them in free verse , and in a free verse where the syllables are weighed , and the varying pace controlled , as scrupulously as in anything else he has written .
15 Since 1981 German car makers have lowered the share of a car 's value they produce themselves from nearly 40% to less than 35% .
16 Go around the group and have everybody in turn explain a particular example of their coping , or the task they set themselves during the preceding week .
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