Example sentences of "[noun] to the back of " in BNC.

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1 When he walked in the stable door accompanied by his usual aroma , the foal fastened her ears to the back of her neck and attempted to attack him with feet and teeth !
2 She put her disappointment to the back of her mind and concentrated on Dana .
3 soldering rolled-up eyes to the back of my skull
4 He had been looking down into her face , lit by the candle he carried , but some sound had turned his eyes to the back of the hall .
5 Finding a seat to the back of the church I took a prayer book , and kneeling down began to find the place .
6 She would make herself a pot of tea , put the confusion to the back of her mind .
7 FOOTBALL : David Platt has pushed transfer talk to the back of his mind and promised that his only concern is helping Bari to avoid the disaster of relegation .
8 Next , tape a further background piece to the back of the assembly and cut out all the ‘ B's ’ .
9 Slide your hands away from each other , up and across the shoulders to the back of the neck .
10 She tried to banish the humiliation to the back of her mind , but it was worse than the physical pain .
11 Meanwhile , Seb tied the reins of his horse to the back of the cart before sprinting towards the manor house .
12 Skillfully , Gerrard maneuvered the microphone away from her and moved quickly up the aisle to the back of the audience ; and the camera , pushed by a sweating man in a stained white shirt , followed him .
13 Colonel Feather had then expressed a worry that children could easily reach over and scoop up a fingerful of frosting , perhaps spoiling someone 's chances , so he and Mr Doran — the latter complaining mightily about his lumbago — had moved the cakes to the back of the table .
14 The reference to the back of beyond had upset Celia considerably .
15 The swan-white robes were not the possessions of single families but of the community , and every mother whose infant wore a robe made and sewed a tiny bow to the back of the garment , so that it might be recorded how many infants had been christened in it .
16 Slowly lower the dumb-bell to the back of the head , keeping the upper arm vertical .
17 Triceps extension — slowly lower the dumb-bell to the back of the head and then press to the vertical position
18 A shade or blind that draws up into neat horizontal folds by means of cords threaded through rings attached at regular intervals to the back of the fabric .
19 When the fox is caught , they say , it 's killed swiftly with a single bite to the back of the neck .
20 During the Saturday morning rehearsal , with Beecham conducting the Vancouver Symphony , the players arranged in tiers from the podium to the back of the stage , a disquieting incident occurred : in the midst of a quiet passage in a Mozart divertimento the tympany player , one George W. Ball , accidentally dropped the cymbal , which rolled down with clanging crashes to rest at the conductor 's feet .
21 Also hold the inward creases of the pleat to the back of the heading with a few hand stitches at the top of the pleat .
22 Sylvia left next morning , but however Betty tried , she could n't push her latest dark desire to the back of her mind .
23 There was not a soul to be seen , and apart from a hammering noise echoing from somewhere distant , and an occasional coughing in a room to the back of the house , there is still no sound to be heard .
24 Six fish later , I called it a day ; thanked the good Lord for his kindness , strapped the creel to the back of my motor bike , and roared triumphantly home .
25 IF Ryan Giggs can put three nagging questions to the back of his mind at 4pm tomorrow , Manchester United 's two wide boys will cut neighbours City to ribbons at Old Trafford .
26 That would be a very good thing , she shouted back , but her inner self did n't agree and , muttering under her breath at her unruly self , she pushed unanswerable questions to the back of her mind and got down to business .
27 R : = best-rule ( CS , Goal-conditions , N ) { say R has action Op name Name } add Name to the back of TRACE
28 Fortunately the rest of the day was so busy that she was able to push Dana and her problems to the back of her mind .
29 The gravelled drive split into two ; one branch led to the front door , the other to the back of the house and , according to a finger post , to waiting room and surgery .
30 Lee went right into the shed to the back of it .
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