Example sentences of "[noun] have [been] dropped from " in BNC.

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1 SOUTHAMPTON striker Iain Dowie has been dropped from Northern Ireland 's World Cup squad .
2 Motor racing and Martin Brundle has been dropped from the Oxfordshire-based Benetton team .
3 There 's also been a change in management , while Epic Records have confirmed that the band has been dropped from the roster .
4 ALL scientific evidence has been dropped from the case against the Birmingham Six , the Court of Appeal in London was told last week .
5 Constance had supervised Camille 's introduction to the children of the neighbourhood , to her own nephews and nieces and those of approved families — some in which the parents were still encouraging their infants to assist on their shoplifting expeditions had been dropped from her acquaintance , as she regarded petty larceny as common and ill-advised — and had taken her to many places deemed of interest to children which Scarlet would have found uncongenial .
6 Something of the flavour appears in a cryptic note sent from North to Rafsanjani late in 1986 , when Ghorbanifar had been dropped from the equation and replaced by a more promising-seeming young Iranian official , the ‘ Second Channel ’ .
7 We may be pardoned for reproducing a part of the opinion of The American Annals of the Deaf of this quarter on the subject : " The retention of the word " Dumb " — which in America has been dropped from the titles of the Convention of Instructors , The National Association , and several State Associations of the Deaf , and many schools , as well as from the United States Census — is probably due to a vote to that effect by the conference held in London last January ; but as our British friends who constitute the Association seem to favour American precedents , we trust that on further consideration they will follow our example in this respect alone , and omit the objectionable word from their title " .
8 The silent war between the United Company of Undertakers and the Worshipful Company of Upholders did not last long , for by 1748 the imprimatur had been dropped from the Upholders ' blank funeral invitations and we no longer hear from the United Company of Undertakers again .
9 Evidence submitted to a parliamentary select committee by Britain 's Health and safety Executive last week reveals that products containing white and brown asbestos have been dropped from a draft EEC directive issued in 1980 .
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