Example sentences of "[noun] in britain [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Another fast-growing religion in Britain at the moment is a non-Christian movement .
2 There is an underlying hostility to the arts in Britain on the part of the mass of people and that , I think , is a result of the way in which the arts have become associated in many people 's minds with snobbery , with money and , in the case of Scotland , with anglicisation .
3 But it does largely bear out what David Murray likes to remind Graeme Souness Rangers are the most powerful club in Britain at the moment and can play quality football .
4 A similar comment can be made on the fierce struggle for women 's suffrage in Britain in the early part of this century .
5 The study assembled evidence on the sources of funds for social science research in Britain during the 1980 's and the patterns of expenditure by subject and type of research , and examined changes in the patterns of funding over time .
6 The substantial amount of research in Britain in the 1950s and early 1960s generated a number of developments and debates .
7 Mr Campbell was inspired to set up the fair by the publication last year of an Arts Council pamphlet which gave names and addresses of those producing books in Britain at the present and his fair is concentrating on British work .
8 Given the existing climate of optimism in Britain in the mid-1960s the challenges foreseen were those of growth .
9 The Christmas tree has been part of the festivities in Britain since the last century .
10 The railway boom in Britain in the 1830s and 1840s was more than national : it formed the basis for vast projects of British railway construction abroad and the expansion of overseas lending to finance railway enterprises .
11 Such concerns have been manifest in the reforms of social security pursued by Conservative administration in Britain in the 1980s .
12 To understand the significance of these most recent changes , it is first necessary to review the main trends in social mobility in Britain over the past fifty years , before considering those developments that have become more marked since the mid-1970s .
13 This survey , which examined the degree of social mobility in Britain from the period prior to World War Two , came to three major conclusions .
14 According to the Driver Vehicle Licensing Centre in Swansea , there are 70,361 17-year-old men with full licences in Britain at the moment , and 39,417 women of the same age .
15 The emergence at this time of Freudian psychology , an important element in the international growth of this infant discipline in this period , offered one opposing perspective but was of insignificant influence in Britain before the First World War .
16 The damage and deprivation of the Second World War provided a major stimulus in Britain to the establishment of comprehensive urban planning instruments and created a social and physical environment prepared to accept radical planning ideology .
17 Given the number of prominent cases of judicial error in Britain over the past few years — Guildford Four , Birmingham Six , Stefan Kiszcko , the Tottenham Three and Judith Ward — it is not an abstract question .
18 The next sections will describe some of the broad patterns of change in the composition of the occupational structure and the distribution of income and wealth in Britain in the twentieth century .
19 Quantities are easily misjudged , as work in Britain at the government 's Warren Spring Laboratory has shown .
20 One of the most characteristic features of the hospital sector in Britain in the past decade has been the massive overall reduction in the average length of stay ( Table 7.3 ) .
21 We have mixed expectations in Britain about the responsibilities of family life and parenting .
22 This followed the rediscovery of the Sarum Use , which had been a local medieval modification of the Roman rite , used in nearly every place in Britain by the end of the fifteenth century .
23 A similar approach has been used in the attempt to define the extent of the Celtic kingdoms in Britain during the hundred years before the Roman conquest of AD43 ( fig. 7 ) .
24 Welsh Tourism announced that it is to spend over £7.5 million on marketing in Britain over the next three years .
25 It was the view of Engels ( 1884 ) that these inheritance arrangements provided the foundation of the development of capitalism in Britain in the nineteenth century , since they had made it possible to retain property and wealth — and with them all other forms of social privilege and power — within the hands of a small number of families from one generation to the next .
26 It was the prevalence of this illusion that held the key to the overwhelming popularity of the League and of collective security in Britain in the mid-1930s .
27 The provision of bases in Britain for the US Strategic Air Command bombers and the RAF-manned Thor missiles were repaid in exchanges on nuclear strategy , tactics and targeting .
28 Two themes expected to run through the study are the impact of computer-aided design , draughting , and manufacture on the design process , and the role and status of the professional engineer in Britain at the present time .
29 It was also the first major examination in Britain of the whole nuclear controversy .
30 The principle of holidays with pay had been extended to an estimated million and a half manual workers in Britain by the beginning of the 1920s , but the economic recession of that decade meant that this figure remained relatively static until the late 1930s .
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