Example sentences of "[noun] have just come [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The bouncy Miss Routledge , whose run in Bennett 's Talking Heads has just come to a close , explained : ‘ Alan just selects someone , writes the piece and posts it through the letterbox .
2 We get caught out with long balls to where our defender has just come from .
3 Aikin notes that the cotton industry had just come to the town .
4 Dominic Dromgoole , of the excellent Bush Theatre ; Julia Bardsley , co-director of the Leicester Haymarket , and Phyllida Lloyd , whose superb production of The Virtuoso at Stratford has just come to the Barbican , are just a few of the other names I could have included .
5 As this issue of The Lifeboat goes to press the 16th International Lifeboat Conference has just come to an end in Oslo .
6 Many gins later , his guests had just come to the end of the petits fours when Wullie Robertson turned up , forcing his way into La Noblesse , looking like the wrath of God , or the son of some Pictish chieftain , and demanding , ‘ Hyacinth !
7 One major bank robbery had just come to trial .
8 It looked as if the serenity of the evening had just come to an end !
9 For those who care about such things a little bleeper has just come onto the market to enable you to check that you are following the two-second rule that the police recommend .
10 Peter has just come from California to make ‘ a film of English life ’ which will involve the reconstruction of an English residence in Hollywood .
11 As you went in to the head end where the roof bolts were still intact , it was hard to imagine that approximately forty six metre , fifty metre of gate had just come in one go .
12 Word had just come from Ottawa , he told me , confirming his suggestion that I be promoted to the post of Production Manager for the CBC , as from the end of the month .
13 He told police many people hated working in the hangar and the thought had just come into his head that something had to be done .
14 This brand new £3 million canning line has just come on stream .
15 When she arrived at the theatre , a letter had just come by the evening post .
16 Yeah cos er Jim had just come on duty and she was going up in the lift with somebody and they said please can we have five pounds , your mother 's just had her hair permed
17 ‘ Yes and no , ’ mumbled Hyacinth , to whom the news of the arrest and incarceration of the chairman of the YCs had just come as a surprise .
18 ‘ This particular bird 's just come to the Zoo .
19 John had just come on watch .
20 A tall order with many quality filter systems starting at prices up in the £200/300 price bracket but fortuitously a high performance filter had just come onto the market at an affordable price .
21 Peter Hurst had just come into the room , dressed in his track suit though there was some time yet till kick-off .
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