Example sentences of "[noun] have been thrown out " in BNC.

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1 Secondly we have not heard of anything that has changed in this county since nineteen eighty sufficient to warrant or justify in this alteration the addition of a policy the effect of which , one one with a similar effect having been thrown out at that time .
2 We went back upstairs to find that all the contents of our lockers had been thrown out over the floors , mixed up , trampled on , and that the lockers themselves had been hurled around the room , across the beds , which had been stripped , and out of the doors .
3 PLANS to institute a pigeon cull in both Petersfield and Alton town centres have been thrown out this week .
4 Unemployment has reached its highest figure for four years , a record number of people have been thrown out of their homes and well-known companies are announcing huge losses .
5 Primarily , the fact that nostalgia has been thrown out the window and crushed by the futuristic steamroller from hell .
6 TWO girls have been thrown out of a top nanny school for taking drugs .
7 Perhaps he heard today that he 's going to be evicted , his mother 's sick , his kid 's been thrown out of school .
8 AN ‘ ABHORRENT ’ motion calling for married couples to be given preference in a housing waiting list has been thrown out by councillors .
9 Property had been thrown out into the streets and burned .
10 Da Silva had vanished at Canjuers ; a Scotsman had been thrown out for being underaged ; Gionesca was in hospital in Orange with dysentery and pneumonia after his bath ; Gazil , the Rumanian paratrooper , had developed a massive infection on his back caused by the friction of his rucksack during marching ; and the other six were ill or disabled after our stay at Canjuers .
11 Donald McCulloch came back from ‘ the reel of Ballechin' long after his mother , and when he got up at last next morning , the cold porridge had been thrown out to the hens .
12 He and the two women had been thrown out .
13 Several other mortar bombs have been thrown out into the darkness .
14 David is a failed architect and Michael has been thrown out of Sandhurst where he was training for the Army .
15 The Jesuits had been thrown out of Prague between the Defenestration of 1618 and the Catholic victory at the Battle of the White Mountain in 1620 .
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