Example sentences of "[noun] have a [noun] problem " in BNC.

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1 Midfielder Simon Rudge has a calf problem , while winger Steve Saunders and utility man Russell Green are nursing knee injuries .
2 Even though his end-of-season future is in doubt , Slaven could win a recall tonight because Andy Payton has a hamstring problem .
3 There was little evidence that UK companies had a competitiveness problem at DM2.95 .
4 New help for the children whose parents have a drink problem .
5 Does tour child have a drink problem ?
6 Computer programmer Steve Sowerby has a weight problem .
7 Remember that 10 per cent of the population have a reading problem and just look at the low demands made in reading skills by the popular tabloid press .
8 The defence solicitor , Jack Gowans , said Ballantine has a drink problem but is a kind , intelligent and caring man .
9 Our findings are based on a cohort of women seeking insemination treatment because their partners had a fertility problem .
10 When we launched our Health and Beauty Club last year , we discovered that one in three members has a hair problem — and many simply did n't know what to do about it .
11 It was left to Ms Smith 's physician to explain that , ‘ Mandy has a hormone problem known as Premenstrual Syndrome . ’
12 Keith has a back problem which has forced him to pull out ’ said Jones .
13 Smith was virtually carried off with an ankle injury , Mardenborough has a knee problem and Cusack had stitches for a facial injury .
14 Many of these trainees had a drugs problem .
15 Chinese examples stress agricultural and military applications ; a Cuban textbook asks children to find ‘ the average monthly number of violations of Cuban air-space by North American airplanes ’ ; Russian children are asked about collective farms ; East German children have a similarity problem about a tower in Berlin and a bigger one in Moscow .
16 It is for this reason that most doctors will not generally accept that couples have a fertility problem until they have been trying to conceive for at the very least a year .
17 It was to help discover which EC states had a salmonella problem and to improve controls throughout the EC .
18 The task of discovering whether an ageing individual has a drink problem requires considerable tact and sensitivity .
19 He said Joyce had a drugs problem but had voluntarily sought help .
20 If Patsy had a penchant for a pretty frock , Hughie Gallacher had a drink problem .
21 ‘ Robyn , Mark had a drink problem . ’
22 DRIVERS taking part in the ‘ Bye-bye to Beaujolais ’ run this year have a drink problem , so to speak .
23 Bleary-eyed after counting and recounting 15,000 layers , they discovered that the climate shifts occurred in less than a decade and that the shifts occurred approximately 1,000 years earlier than previously estimated from the ice cores. although such layer counting has a credibility problem , at the Summit site et all .
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