Example sentences of "[noun] have shown that the " in BNC.

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1 Firstly , karateka are not allowed to bring their own coaches with them to training sessions because experience has shown that the presence of other coaches breaks up the training atmosphere , and causes people to separate to far corners instead of remaining together .
2 Experience has shown that the Home Secretary on his own simply can not carry out oversight of MI5 , ’ Mr Day said .
3 For analogue sound-recording , experience has shown that the metal masters used in the process of pressing disc copies have a very long life .
4 Clinical experience has shown that the treatment approach can be used with approximately 30–40 per cent of patients referred to the general hospital after attempted suicide .
5 Experience has shown that the local appropriation of this programme often requires a long process of gestation and steady , patient work .
6 Experience has shown that the ideal temperature for freshwater tropical community fish is 24°C or 75°F , for marines 27°C or 80°F and for brackish waters 22°C or 72°F .
7 Experience has shown that the aim of developing an entire curriculum of media education is not a starting point but the end of a long process .
8 Yet postwar experience has shown that the formal foundations of the state were not the sine qua non of nationhood .
9 Experience has shown that the latter can not sustain liberal democracy in the context of their weak economic situations .
10 Past experience has shown that the imported raw materials would exhaust our cash reserves unless this expansion took place very gradually .
11 The lists of items in Categories I , II , III and IV are not exhaustive , and it must not be assumed that items of storage not specifically mentioned are regarded automatically as coming under Category I. In general , items under Categories II , III and IV are those where experience has shown that the materials produce exceptionally intense firms with the high rate of heat release .
12 Experience has shown that the forecasting system is fairly robust in years in which there are no major changes in the shape of the Course offerings .
13 Experience has shown that the 1110st suitable basis for comparison in this detection scheme is the current rise time ( the time taken for the current to rise from the lower to the upper limit of the chopping excursion ) , because this time is relatively immune to the influence of motional voltage , as illustrated by the Example at the end of this Section .
14 ( Experience has shown that the number of such permitted pixels has been set too low , so that the test is probably too sensitive . )
15 For example , an analysis of ophthalmology waiting lists has shown that the vast majority of patients are waiting for cataract extraction ( Drummond & Yates , 1988 ) .
16 However , the specificity of this antibody for PSC , as opposed to ulcerative colitis , is unclear and a recent study has shown that the immunofluorescent technique is less specific and less sensitive than previously demonstrated by Duerr et al .
17 This study has shown that the inclusion of lexical stress reduces the number of word-paths derived from input utterances , significantly so for the mixed and phonemic sets .
18 A major study of England and Wales using 1966 census data has shown that the pattern of out-migration is largely as expected ( figure 4.3 ) : the principal destinations are the South West , East Anglia , Wales and the outer South East , with the metropolitan London area being the source of most moves ( Law and Warnes 1976 ) .
19 These trace amounts of clay can be analysed chemically and research has shown that the flint taken from the major flint mines scattered across southern Britain ( fig. 6.5 ) has a particular chemical composition for each mine .
20 Previous research has shown that the δ-endotoxins are produced as protoxins of mass 70–135 000 , which forms a microcrystal approximately 1μm in size .
21 A mountain of research has shown that the population of a species is commonly limited by shortages of resources in a density-dependent manner ; the larger the population the greater the shortage and the more marked the effects of starvation .
22 In sum then , this research has shown that the existing short sight-lines demand that cars travel slower than they do ; the solution is either to lengthen the sight-lines or to slow the cars .
23 Research has shown that the most effective temperature for the bulb in a UV system to operate at is 77°s ; F. If the bulb is too close to the water , it becomes chilled and the temperature drops .
24 Research has shown that the best weather in Europe occurs in Cannes where it is suitable for flying training over 80% of the time with little seasonal variation .
25 Research has shown that the mechanisms in the human brain go through the anger response in less than a second .
26 Research has shown that the average Western diet contains up to eighty per cent of acid-forming foods , like meat , bread , eggs , and hard cheese .
27 Recent research has shown that the spores of bracken are carcinogenic , so it 's a good idea to avoid walking through large stands of bracken when the spores are ripe from July to August .
28 Recent research has shown that the chemical experiments of the magician were often in the contemplative mode : devised to bring out divine harmonies and correspondences between metals and planets .
29 Market research has shown that the company 's torches are seen as dependable but rather old-fashioned and there is little awareness of the newer products which have been introduced to fit the contemporary lifestyle .
30 Initially assumed that the level of carbon 14 in the environment that was available to be absorbed by living things remained at a constant level , subsequent research has shown that the amount of carbon 14 varies , possibly as a result of sunspot activity .
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