Example sentences of "[noun] and let [pron] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 They should get off their backsides and let us see what they intend to do about it .
2 Perhaps you 'd give a ring and let me know I 'd welcome your feedback . "
3 Since there was no sign of a bell , Charles raised the enormous ring and let it fall .
4 K. R. I 've been in tough houses — they would n't come out to help us but they 'd form a ring and let you fight — they would n't just all join in to back somebody up .
5 As their two entwined bodies bobbed like corks in the water , Ronni closed her eyes and let herself melt against him .
6 Now there was no choice but to raise her eyes and let herself see the house .
7 Held against his heart , feeling the steady beat beneath her cheek , she closed her eyes and let it wash over her in soothing waves .
8 Although an official response has already been sent off , Newsline readers may wish to pen their own reply and let us see if they can be as imaginative as the original writer .
9 She knew he was fobbing her off , but she accepted it ; she was willing to sit in the back seat and let him do the driving .
10 This is an attempt to loosen up your mind and let it accept alternative ideas .
11 If she were truthful , she had never properly imagined Bella as anything , except perhaps a spiteful , over-painted tart , drenched in a cheap scent , who was beginning to put on weight and let herself go .
12 After about five minutes you may need to change the blotters but , eventually , when it looks as if it is not going to curl , you can remove the weight and let it air dry .
13 Do read the piece and let us know how you feel : if WOMAN can do something to help , I promise we shall .
14 Go on I tell you what why do n't you flip it over and start on the other side , even though it says this side done , this is an old tape from a seismograph and er we were afraid to use it in our work but I think the sound 's alright on it , you flip it over and where it says this side down , put that side up and use the other half of the tape and let me hear your comments back .
15 Damp and stretch out your backing paper onto a drawing board , tape it round the edges with gummed tape and let it dry .
16 Put such facts as we have before the Sheriff and the Merchant Venturers and let them sort it out . ’
17 He lifted his shoulders and let them fall in a dismissive shrug .
18 We shrugged our shoulders and let it go .
19 Most of his contemporaries would have shrugged their shoulders and let it remain as part of the natural order of things .
20 She came to the last button and , plucking up all her courage , slipped the dress off her shoulders and let it drop to the floor .
21 When the time came for the machine which had been keeping her husband alive to be turned off , my friend faced the reality of his condition and let him go .
22 Alternatively when the display is switched off ( 2a ) the LC molecules are aligned with the light and let it pass .
23 Like , when they come in here I 'll bring them down to the canteen and let them have Coke and sweets .
24 They fought , and ran , and stood to fight again , tiring , separated , driven now like hunted hares , until Isambard called his men back at the brook and let them rest at last .
25 It did not so much reach a conclusion as slow down and dribble into silence , as though the players had got bored with the melody and let it slip through their fingers carelessly .
26 When the Men came Woil would simper and whisper his pleasure and let them handle him as they liked as he said such things as : ‘ Nice Man , pleasant person .
27 She tossed the blouse on to a chair , took the glass Culley was offering , sipped , set it down , then unzipped her skirt and let it drop .
28 ‘ That 's better , ’ said Joe , ‘ in that kind of mood I could put you on a horse and let you join in the charge of the Light Brigade . ’
29 You have got to keep the analysts and the institutions on your side and let them know what you 're proposing .
30 She stood up to walk stiffly around the desk , glaring at him as he stepped politely to one side and let her precede him from the room .
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