Example sentences of "[noun] and wait [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In the traditional hunting communities , those who were a burden — because they had become too old to hunt or to follow the family as it trekked to a new hunting ground — took themselves off to an ice-floe or an isolated rock and waited for death .
2 Men who might have gone to England and earned good wages at the harvest now stayed at home and waited for relief work at one-third of those rates .
3 The trouble is my theory 's looking shakier all the time because McDunn 's convinced me it really was all just a smoke-screen : there is no Ares project , never was any Ares project , and Smout in his prison in Baghdad is n't connected to the guys that died ; it was just somebody coming up with a clever conspiracy theory , just a way of getting me to go to remote places and wait for phone calls and deprive me of an alibi while gorilla man did something horrible to somebody else somewhere else .
4 If there is a doubt put it in pencil and wait for confirmation from your own experience or from the reports of others .
5 Part of the problem has been the software , which has been looking for a decent hardware platform and waiting for support from a mainstream operating system vendor .
6 So , apart from opening presents , they watched each other and waited for Christmas to be over so that they could resume their intense and private working lives .
7 Soon , Rob would take S-Sugar on to the runway and wait for clearance from the control tower .
8 The Doctor pressed his nose into the ground and waited for salvation or destruction .
9 All we had to do was to patrol up and down the nets , take out the rabbits and wait for daylight .
10 Speaker B stops trying to take turns in the negotiation of topic and waits for speaker A to make it clear how what she is saying has some connection to the existing topic framework .
11 She curled up in her nest and waited for night to come .
12 Internees did the work of chambermaids and waited at table :
13 Ianthe realised from his triumphant expression that he had caught her out in a mistake and waited with resignation to hear what it was .
14 My wife , Jane , and close friends were all at Manchester Airport to meet me on my return from France and waiting at home were my mother , more friends , half of Sheffield United FC and Willie Thorne , whose friendship has given me so much confidence .
15 With his hands still covered in paint he lay down on the chilly sheets and waited for sleep to take his confusions away .
16 He then moves on to 10 minutes of shadow boxing before Davies dons the hand-pads and waits for pain .
17 Anselm acquiesced in this explanation and waited for peace , but then , long after it had been apparent to others , it dawned on him that he must either do the job or give it up — preferably , so far as he was concerned , the latter .
18 He stood , kissed Fiona , picked up the box containing his silver bowl and waited for obedience from his sons , his daughter-in-law and his prospective biographer .
19 Hermione Lee pinpoints what I feel about this novel — that although its subject is depression and waiting for death , it does not feel gloomy because of its own formal delight , its interest in language , including the contrasted languages of the sophisticated ‘ writer ’ , the Professor , a historian of the European exploration of America , and Tom Outland , the indigenous traveller , discovering the primeval inhabitants , but teaching himself to read Virgil , and thus exploring in the other direction .
20 She came home quickly and we went to the airport and waited for news .
21 You could consider the wide variety of third-party alternatives or kill two birds with one stone and wait for MS-DOS 6 .
22 We save our energies and wait for pneumonia to get him first , is that it ? ’
23 He kept what he hoped was a bright and intelligent expression on his face and waited for enlightenment .
24 As they left the Springall mansion and waited in Cheapside for an ostler to bring their horses round from the stables , Athelstan sensed Cranston was furious with him but the coroner waited until they had mounted and moved away from the house before stopping and giving full vent to his fury .
25 Most of the dissenting ( Covenanting ) ministers took other jobs and waited in hope for the ruling to be reversed , at peace with their consciences by having adhered to their principles , but many felt it incumbent upon them to continue with their vocation , preaching the gospel and making true Presbyterianism available to the people .
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