Example sentences of "[noun] in [noun] after he " in BNC.

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1 A BESSBROOK man has been sentenced to six months in prison after he was overpayed a sum of £5,666.32 by the DHS .
2 A man has been shot dead at his home in Lancashire after he and his family were held hostage by armed raiders .
3 Griffin spent three days in jail after he refused to give a breath sample .
4 The widow of a Naval airman has been awarded more than a hundred and sixty thousand pounds in damages after he died following a bout of heavy drinking .
5 Magistrates fined Jamie Blandford a thousand pounds , a hundred pounds prosecution costs and 179 pounds in compensation after he admitted six charges of taking taxis in London without paying .
6 What does the Minister say to my constituents who , following abuse by their father for many years , summoned up enough courage to give evidence in court after he attacked the 10-year-old granddaughter of the family ?
7 Duffy , 43 , escaped from prison officers in May after he was taken to visit his sister in Bradford .
8 Officers interviewed a lorry driver in Doncaster after he reported having seen a girl who resembled Moira with two other lorry drivers the day after she disappeared .
9 On Jan. 30 the Agence France-Presse news agency reported that some 20 Moslem clerics had been arrested in recent weeks and that a 40-year-old preacher had been sacked and condemned to 80 lashes in December after he had used his Friday sermon to insult the leaders of a Saudi women 's association .
10 No I did visit Lawrence in prison after he was recaptured er and spoke to him about various things , including this er this incident and he did confirm that he had been at flat er for a couple of days er befo before the actual search .
11 ‘ Lance-Corporal Trumper , ’ said Tommy in disbelief after he had been told the news .
12 Tony , 28 , from Middlesbrough , is last year 's British welterweight champion and was awarded best fighter of the competition in Sweden after he beat the local champion in the final .
13 The court was told that Gilchrist was arrested at a house in Pershore after he himself had telephoned the police .
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