Example sentences of "[noun] be so strong that " in BNC.

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1 In some cases , preferences are relatively weak , so that two ordered results are produced ; in others , the preferences are so strong that a second result is not produced .
2 It seemed to the court that in its current form the civil components of the process of judicial review were so strong that an application which claimed the civil relief authorised by section 21K was to be regarded as a civil cause or matter .
3 There were those whose attachment to the principles of divine right and hereditary succession was so strong that they felt that James and his heirs could be the only legitimate Kings of England , whilst others turned to Jacobitism out of disillusionment with political developments since the Revolution .
4 The pillar itself gave several excellent pitches on sound granite , but on the second night on the pillar the wind was so strong that Venables and Renshaw were forced to pitch their tent inside a chimney , squeezed onto a jammed block .
5 Indeed , some have argued that the ‘ traditionalism of his general philosophy is so strong that it virtually disables him from that critical rationalism which is essential for the appraisal of particular traditions ’ .
6 These colours are so strong that you have to thin quite a bit to gain softer tones .
7 The feeling and atmosphere to ( sic ) the place is so strong that you can almost breathe it in . ’
8 The producer , Sarah D Wilson comments … ‘ the public and press reaction was so strong that we developed another seven programmes to conclude the story .
9 There were some constituencies where the interest of a local patron was so strong that he effectively had the power of nominating MPs .
10 Her own memories were so strong that she feared that she would burst into hysterics before him , and that would never do .
11 Indeed , the research evidence is so strong that it is now reflected in the high incidence of work teams , ‘ away days ’ for functional groups and courses in team-building .
12 They are highly social , congregating in groups as large as 500 , and the bonding between members of the herd is so strong that if a pilot or lead whale beaches itself , the rest of the herd will often follow , creating a mass stranding .
13 He glanced across at her : she had stopped playing and was watching them , and the resemblance of her to Martha was so strong that all the old bitterness and resentment flooded suddenly back .
14 The bond was so strong that they would feel her presence all their lives .
15 ‘ Those days Australia were so strong that once you were out of the team it was extremely difficult to get back in .
16 Demand was so strong that after four hours of trading the issue was increased to DM400,000,000 .
17 ‘ The feeling was so strong that I actually felt quite emotional — almost tearful , ’ says Julie .
18 The concentration of the cast was so strong that the mood was well maintained .
19 His passion was so strong that Constance was overwhelmed .
20 The impulse was so strong that she could hardly believe that he did not feel it too .
21 When it was midnight and Rodrigo was fast asleep , the leper breathed against him between his shoulders , and that breath was so strong that it passed through him , even through his breast ; and he awoke , being astounded , and felt for the leper by him , and found him not ; and he began to call him , but there was no reply .
22 The resistance to devolution was so strong that the government was forced to accept that the bills should be ratified by referenda .
23 It seems that our collective wish for this state is so strong that we are quite unable to contemplate the opposite .
24 Gravity is so strong that space is bent round onto itself , making it rather like the surface of the earth .
25 Normally , the energy of the particle is still positive , but the gravitational field inside a black hole is so strong that even a real particle can have negative energy there .
26 His belief in travel for the common man was so strong that he overcame many financial difficulties to establish his business .
27 What really happens during the very early or late stages of the universe , when gravitational fields are so strong that quantum effects can not be ignored ?
28 Public response to the controversial share sale was so strong that virtually all the £5.3billion of shares could be sold without offering any to financial institutions or overseas investors .
29 The relationship between producer and star was so strong that Ken would reveal incidents that most people would keep to themselves .
30 Friendship between domestic horses is well known , and the need for attachment is so strong that lone horses will become firm friends with cows , goats , pigs and even people .
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