Example sentences of "[noun] be built [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Meetings are built into the nursing structure to facilitate multidisciplinary dialogue and professional development of the unit as a whole and of each individual nurse .
2 MacCormac believes that rural councils will allow more innovative designs to go through as more such houses are built in the cities .
3 Security also tends to be better with this approach as the bureau runs as a service utility , where security and reliability are built into the system as a matter of course .
4 Ethylene is the feedstock from which other molecules are built by the chemical industry .
5 Most of the main roads are in good condition , but driving can be very tiring as there are many bends , and most of the roads are built onto the mountainside with deep ravines dropping away below , and you never quite know what 's around the corner — be it a bus straddling the centre of the road to take a corner or a group of children playing football in the road .
6 It is seen as a driving , instinctual force , whose characteristics are built into the biology of the human animal , which shapes human institutions and whose will must force its way out , either in the form of direct sexual expression or , if blocked , in the form of perversion or neuroses .
7 During the growth period planktonic bacteria , diatoms and even minute animals are built into the ice , forming communities which develop and stain the floes , especially the undersurfaces , green or brown .
8 ‘ It 's a question of physical make-up : black kids are built for the explosive events .
9 He argues that class conflicts and economic crises are built into the way the economic system works , and they can not be avoided .
10 But the new workers of the modern age must live , and so homes are built around the machine 's food supplies ; crowded and sprawling , urbanism begins forming part of the machine 's superstructure .
11 Chapter 9 considers who can act as an expert : as the answer is anyone whom the parties appoint , safeguards are built into the expert clause to provide that a suitably qualified person is likely to act as the expert .
12 Could schools be built around the project method , in which the tyranny of traditional subjects was loosened ?
13 Even the schools were built in the corners of crowded burial grounds , or over public sewers into which they slowly sank .
14 A neat stone arch and a flight of steps were built at the entrance and these have survived .
15 Behind this colonnade shops and offices were built against the rear wall .
16 The chief Norman royal castles were built at the headquarters of shires , and in early days their castellans were often ( though not invariably ) the royal sheriffs .
17 Many fortresses and castles were built in the Middle Ages in Poland .
18 Castles were built throughout the Middle Ages in all European countries .
19 Athenian style temples and halls were built by the Welland , probably with long colonnades of beautiful fluted Doric columns carved by Greek masons in the local limestone .
20 Dinner parties were built around the episodes .
21 One has , for example , cottage rows being erected at Winchester apparently by individuals , and shops being built by the city corporation at Exeter and by the abbey at Tewkesbury ( 90 , pp.67–8 ) .
22 The US state department has called on Cuba to co-operate with the International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA ) to ensure safe construction and operation of a nuclear-power complex being built on the island near Cienfuegos .
23 Boost for new homes in the North-East A £94m. cash boost will result in more than 2,000 new homes being built in the North-East over the next 12 months .
24 Chariots were built for the races , painted lovely in red and azure
25 Defeat is built into the genre .
26 Their programme is built around the friendships , rivalries , correspondence and music of four of the 18th-century 's most successful and prolific composers — Telemann , Handel , Bach and Bononcini .
27 Coaching is built into the job .
28 These tend to provide an excuse for putting off coaching and this is why some organizations are now insisting that coaching is built into the management role more formally .
29 A capacitor is built into the canister and connected in parallel across the lamp and starter .
30 The whole episode was built around the book and before very long , and not for the first time , the fascist implications were there again , not only as far as Alf was concerned but , by implication , involving me too .
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