Example sentences of "[noun] be brought to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It concluded that , ‘ The speed with which cases are brought to trial is in our view determined almost entirely by the volume of business and the resources available to deal with it . ’
2 The artist 's sketches and scribbles are analysed to demonstrate recurring motifs and psychological preoccupations guilt at the death of Casegemas or a mistress 's abortion for example while figures such as Alfred Jarry , Max Jacob and Gertrude Stein are brought to life in Richardson 's simple , flowing prose .
3 His lawyer made a further complaint , alleging harassment , and urged that those responsible for the torture be brought to justice .
4 Is it time that the perpetrators of the crime were brought to justice ?
5 If the accord is brought to fruition , it will mean a takeover by this foreigner , ’ he said .
6 It was once thought that the Chardonnay vine was brought to Champagne from Cyprus by knights returning from the Crusades , which might have provided some sort of answer , but this theory has since been discredited .
7 These will include the relative gravity of the offences alleged in the two sets of proceedings ; the degree of connection , on facts or law , between them ; the degree of prejudice which the defendant may suffer , in the shape of adverse publicity or in other respects , if the lesser matters are brought to trial first ; the likely time-spans of the two sets of proceedings ; the possibility of hardship to the defendant in being required to divert attention and resources to the defence of the lesser charges whilst the graver are in preparation ; the risk that if the lesser charges are postponed the lapse of time may render a fair trial of them more difficult ; the desirability in the public interest of ensuring that charges properly brought are pressed to a conclusion .
8 At the town 's new cultural exhibition — the Sicilian Carousel — myths , legends history and people of the entire island of Sicily are brought to life through a unique blend of audio presentation and displays .
9 Areas of contention were brought to light during the summit , however , notably Austria 's objections to the other countries ' reliance on nuclear power , and opposition by Italy to admitting other states ( specifically Poland ) to the group .
10 The mother and child were brought to safety shortly afterwards .
11 It may prompt further , more wide-ranging research , providing ideas to be followed up later , or it may be that some broad generalization is brought to life by a case-study .
12 A rather ordinary second half was brought to life when Lee Clement chipped the ball in direct from a free-kick for Haslemere 's third goal .
13 But the police continued their enquiries into the activities of the PIE , and in 1980 two other members of the group were brought to trial at the Old Bailey .
14 He said that last year £30,000 worth of produce had been lost in similar incidents and urged the Prime Minister to give an assurance that he would approach the French government to ensure that the culprits were brought to justice and that compensation was paid to all the British firms which had lost cash .
15 Elsewhere , three girls aged 15 and 16 years were brought to court for robbing a woman of 9s 2½d after they had hustled her .
16 If meaning is brought to birth within the text , the text itself is the bearer of all the Reality that inheres in meaning ; and that , when one thinks about it , is , while by no means all the Reality there is , quite a good portion of that part of Reality which matters to us .
17 A renewed attempt by ‘ neutral ’ forces was mounted and the five-strong team was brought to safety .
18 The student was not capable of protecting John in his family , but the recognition of this need was brought to fruition in the planned admission to a residential home .
19 White telephones were brought to night-club tables .
20 As one seminar is brought to conclusion plans forge ahead for the next and 1992 is no exception .
21 The whole picture surface is brought to life by the interaction of the angular , shaded planes .
22 The general principle of the Government 's policy is clear : we will ensure that people who commit fraud and swindles are brought to book through the courts .
23 On Thursday , Hamel 's gifts were brought to light before a sadly sparse audience .
24 Later , problems of the Arretine wares were brought to light when factories producing these wares well into the Claudian period were found in Central Gaul , and the terms ‘ provincial Arretine ’ or ‘ proto-South Gaulish ’ were invented .
25 Some 22 demonstrators and activists were brought to trial at the Beijing municipal intermediate court on Jan. 5 and 26 , in connection with the pro-democracy demonstrations which ended in the government crackdown in Tiananmen Square on June 4 , 1989 [ see pp. 36720-22 ] .
26 This pattern is brought to life with the addition of three brightly coloured parcels appliquéd to the knitted fabric .
27 One such occasion will be when the adult is brought to hospital unconscious after an accident , and has had no opportunity to signify whether she consents to treatment or not .
28 ALMOST exactly in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean between the Canaries and St Lucia , the radio net for the Atlantic Rally for Cruisers was brought to life on 10 December with a dramatic mayday from the one-off Chaot owned by Manfred Boschmann .
29 ‘ A lot of fine forensic work will not be revealed until charges are brought to court , but the investigators have a pretty good idea about the sources of the case .
30 When those who fomented civil war in Algeria were brought to trial , Tixier-Vignancour was the natural choice to defend them .
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