Example sentences of "[noun] be said [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 However , it should be noted that Scrutton LJ 's words were said in a case involving a contract between commercial parties and it now seems that the insistence that public policy is primarily concerned with holding people to their agreements is now out of favour .
2 The Transport Department is said by the report to " have recently admitted that they only put a nominal value on public open space which would be destroyed by a proposed road scheme " .
3 Grimsby 's Fish Dock is said to the the world 's biggest fish market , with nearly a mile of quays .
4 It is all in order because the proceedings start with a service conducted by the Anglican rural dean , at which the reading is by a member of the Free Churches , and where prayers are said by a Jesuit .
5 Three of the five who had no visitors were said by the people we interviewed to have had no relatives .
6 Unhappily the men were sent for from their temporary quarters in the town , and goodbyes were said at the castle .
7 I listened to one choral song from Southwark Cathedral , prayers were said for a family whose names would mean nothing to the vast majority of listeners .
8 At least in one case prayers were said for the brave men fighting on both sides .
9 Bishops were ordered to ensure that prayers were said in every church for the success of the king 's expeditions to France , and news of the great victory of Crécy was proclaimed throughout the realm .
10 Mr Ra won his wager by building a 40-foot-high pyramid in Salt Lake City , making sacramental wine in it , and selling the stuff to religious groups — wine made in pyramids was said by the ancient Egyptians to have supernatural powers .
11 The expression " breach of warranty " is often used in disputes about deferred consideration , when vendors are said in the agreement to " warrant " that the profits reach a specified figure , and the purchasers seek a repayment from the vendors to compensate them for that loss , in most cases calculated on a pre-agreed formula : if the profits exceed the specified figure , the vendors may be entitled to additional consideration .
12 ‘ As far as I 'm concerned these sort of things are said in every office , ’ said Mr Wilson .
13 Warm things are said in the flush of the campaign but now that it 's over the first question the Tories should ask is how it would look to the country if a victorious party launched into a frontal assault on the BBC in the wake of its victory .
14 The same can of course be said of a great novel , for if houses are like stories , stories are also like houses .
15 The use of music in worship in New Zealand has grown in quantity as a result of greater congregational singing , but its quality is said by a correspondent to have declined greatly .
16 The gruel was served up and a long grace was said over a short the gruel disappeared , the boys looked at each other and went over , while his next neighbours nudged him , tired as he was he was desperately hungry and he rest on the table and the master with his hands he said
17 ft was said as a joke , and Dana and I laughed , but it left me frightened .
18 Its spire was said by a contemporary guide to Oxford to form ‘ a conspicuous addition to the architectural adornments of the city ’ .
19 The Tigers were said by the government to have blown up the defence minister , Ranjan Wijeratne , in March 1991 , and a general , Denzil Kobbekaduwa , in August 1992 .
20 Although an ordained cleric , Hervey is said by a contemporary chronicler ( William of Rishanger ) to have been one of two standard-bearers of the men of London at the battle of Lewes in 1264 .
21 The Turkish army was said by the Iraqi government and by some media reports to have used napalm .
22 In Nuclear Tests unilateral statements of the French authorities were said by the Court to have been made ‘ publicly and erga omnes ’ .
23 Meanwhile , reports that Novell is planning a multi-server version of its IPX software router in order to provide companies with a low-cost alternative to software routers are said by the company to be ‘ very misleading ’ .
24 A lot was said at the time .
25 Perhaps the best way to start on this is to ask ourselves what would be lost if we were to speak without intonation : you should try to imagine speech in which every syllable was said on the same level pitch , with no pauses and no changes in speed or loudness .
26 Before luncheon started , Grace was said by the Chaplain to the Lord Mayor the Venerable Archdeacon Doctor Brian Kirk-Duncan .
27 In Sare itself apparently , on Sundays in October , a special mass is said in the church at 3 a.m. for those who are going out shooting , and the celebrant is later repaid for his early rising by a gift of live palombes .
28 The payment is said by the respondent not to have been ‘ voluntary ’ but ‘ forced ’ from it within the contemplation of the law … ‘ compulsion ’ in relation to a payment of which refund is sort , and whether it is also variously called ‘ coercion , ’ ‘ extortion , ’ ‘ exaction ’ or ‘ force , ’ includes every species of duress or conduct analogous to duress actual or threatened , exacted by or on behalf of the payee and applied to the person or the property or any right of the person who pays … .
29 One hamlet outside Chimoio is said by a nutrition expert to have more maize than it can swallow , or even store .
30 Solemn Mass was said by the Archbishop of Lisbon , who was assisted by a crew of pink-capped bishops , monsignors and one of the priests of the newly formed Society of Jesus .
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