Example sentences of "[noun] be called [adv] and " in BNC.

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1 Their parents are called away and they are left him the care of servants .
2 When he died in June from cancer , investigators from Liquidators Cork Gulley were called in and soon smelt a rat .
3 Personnel from the Oil Spill Service Centre at Northam were called in and laid the terminal 's boom across the mouth of the river Hamble , sealing off the river and its four marinas from the threat of pollution .
4 On 1 November Sukarno was called in and a ceasefire arranged .
5 An external consultant was called in and the first steps towards a safer environment were taken with the installation of signs indicating emergency exits and fire extinguishers .
6 Troops were called out and the Riot Act was proclaimed in Worthing in 1884 .
7 In the 1970s such individuals were called educationally and emotionally deprived or culturally disadvantaged , and a whole quasi-medical terminology of concern and cure became part of the intervention procedure of community workers , social workers and educationalists .
8 Dunstable had three players sent off , the rest left the field in protest and the match was called off and awarded to Staines .
9 Over the weekend all attempts to salvage the Danish cargo vessel were called off and the ship was declared a total loss .
10 ‘ A trained police negotiator was called in and the person was coaxed out .
11 Within two years the liquidators were called in and the company was wound up in 1987 .
12 Saturday 's game at Luton was called off and tonight 's home game against Birmingham City has also been postponed .
13 The December demonstrations were called off and order on the campuses was restored , but the underlying issues and grievances remained .
14 Very shortly afterwards the young man was called up and sadly , he was killed in action a few weeks later .
15 A psychiatrist was called in and Max was given the treatment he needed , but only after serving a month in Brixton .
16 The programmers were called in and told to fiddle with Univac 's brain to make the prediction more realistic .
17 The police were called in and no further trains were dispatched that day .
18 A master builder from Grantham was called in and created this beautiful and extremely unusual combination of local style and Italian Pallazzo architecture , with its forthright piano nobile and its placement of vases and finials .
19 A doctor was called out and he diagnosed some kind of virus and prescribed a course of antibiotics .
20 Two weeks later the same students were called together and reminded of the questions they had been unable to answer .
21 Just as he was about to travel to Paris in November , to open a book exhibition and make a speech at the Bibliothèque Nationale , he caught a heavy cold which turned to bronchitis with congestion of the lungs ; a nurse was called in and he took a course of penicillin , but he still managed to make the journey .
22 A social worker was called in and , with a lot of support , Annie moved to a women 's refuge and then to a small flat .
23 In July 1940 Maclaren-Ross was called up and joined the Essex Regiment , later transferring to the Suffolks .
24 The vet was called again and a cataract was diagnosed on his near side , which explained everything .
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