Example sentences of "[noun] be called [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 The substances undergoing the change are called reactants and the substances formed are called products .
2 Cancers that developed in the bones were called Sarcomas , those that affected the blood were called Leukaemias and it was Lymphomas that attacked the lymph system .
3 This blood and tissue loss is called menstruation and the day that this menstrual flow starts is traditionally the first day of the menstrual cycle .
4 The jeep was called SuSu and her name was painted with Salah 's , rather romantically , on both doors in intertwining calligraphy .
5 Immune bodies which destroy microorganisms are called antibodies and those which destroy toxins produced by microorganisms are called antitoxins .
6 Local education authorities in Northern Ireland are called Education and Library Boards , and are responsible for the local provision and administration of schools and further education , as well as university awards .
7 My parents were called Headmaster and Headmistress .
8 What I thought of as mainstream cancers were called Carcinomas and they developed in the lining layers of the organs , such as the lungs , the bowels , and the skin .
9 Such gatherings were called wapenshaws and one test of skill for archers was trying to dislodge a model of a parrot , called a papingo , from the top of a high tree or tower .
10 The third range is called Colorplush and is a double sided velour .
11 Their home is called Gracelands and is dedicated to the memory of Elvis .
12 The foal was called Bonfire and was splendidly nosy and confident and trod delicately all round him pretending that he was lying on the sweetest grass in the field .
13 The light bands are called zones and the dark bands are called belts .
14 These filters are called low-pass and high-pass respectively .
15 Failing to make this distinction is called PLAGIARISM and must be avoided .
16 This command file is called RDBISETUP.COM and is available on the LIFESPAN process directory ( i.e. where the 59 .
17 These substances are called Navapasham and relate to substances existing in the human body , in the earth and throughout nature .
18 However , by late 1206 , it is likely that Innocent sensed that Otto 's cause was lost , for in a letter of probably August 1206 to the patriarch of Aquileia , Philip is called princeps and no longer dux , but he proceeded cautiously , aiming to arrive at a point where he might arbitrate between the parties .
19 The friend is called Bobby and he lives in a slum near the city centre .
20 Infection involving these glands is called Bartholinitis and can be exquisitely painful .
21 These people are called merchandisers and their activities provide support to traditional salespeople , who can thus spend more time selling .
22 The Temple of Yahwe was turned into a temple of Zeus Olympios , the inhabitants of Jerusalem were called Antiochenes and the mysterious Acra , the fortress , was occupied by a Syrian garrison : traditional Jewish practices , such as circumcision and the observance of the Sabbath , were prohibited .
23 ‘ You know about my mother , of course , ’ went on the headmaster , ‘ but what can you do if your father is called Malik and your mother is called Frobisher ?
24 I think Freud would say though however that these are more like the th the was talking about religion , now clearly if something is a outlawing it is n't gon na make much difference to it , or if anything it 's , it 's just gon na make it er , er make it more difficult , but there are certain types of religion and Judaism is one of them where th this very pattern you 're talking about did occur and here Freud is er probably standing on , on firm ground , for reasons which I 'll explain in my lectures I do n't wan na take up too much time , but I have done a bit of research on this myself and as you will see , erm there 's , there are good reasons for thinking that Freud was certainly right about some of those and we certainly know that a monotheistic and , and an absolutely rigidly monotheistic religion appeared in Ancient Egypt as erm Andrea said , just before erm the er reign of this heretic er heretic , heretic pharaoh one of whose er near descendants , I forget how he was related now , erm was originally called Tutamkhatan and then was forced to change his name to Tutankhamen and he was dug up by Howard Carter in nineteen twenty two or something er and er the Tutankhamen is called Tutankhamen and not Tutamkhatan is that there was a religious .
25 This mechanism is called VERIFICATION and involves ensuring that what should happen in an assessment scheme is actually happening .
26 Negotiations went ahead but it all got a bit bizarre because at the time Barry 's manager was called Larry , his road manager was called Gary and his assistant was called Harry — so we had Barry , Larry , Gary and Harry — in fact , I think there were two Gary 's , just to make it confusing .
27 In Rosyth , eight miles away , the game was called bebs and in Kirkcaldy , another 15 miles on , the game was poldie beds .
28 The exhibition was called Songlines and Dreamings , and was opened by The Queen 's much respected Australian-born Private Secretary Sir William Heseltine .
29 Practitioners of this trade include horses ( of which the main African species are called zebras and the desert models are called donkeys ) , and cattle , such as the North American bison , now hunted to near-extinction .
30 Materials that cause inactivation are called inactivators and , in addition to dirt , there are many others .
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