Example sentences of "[noun] of [Wh det] happen to " in BNC.

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1 Exhaling a cigarette through the fine tissues of a handkerchief gives graphic demonstration of what happens to the even finer tissues of the lungs .
2 If the safety message gets across … his little sister Hannah will grow up without the fear of what happened to her brother .
3 The teachers ' accounts of what happened to them make disturbing reading .
4 So experience is important , but , apart from that in which we are purely passive recipients of what happens to us , we have to have the will and the courage to seek it .
5 It also wants the Government to look at the wider issue of what happens to British aid and credit going into Ghana .
6 We can conveniently neglect the question of what happens to all the assertive little boys and cooperative little girls when they leave the arena of childhood play and enter the adult world .
7 Forensic science had no answer to the question of what happened to the timer after it was supplied to the Libyans by the Swiss , any more than it could say with certainty what happened to the Semtex plastic explosive after that was supplied to the Libyans by the Czechs .
8 And the Journal 's not exactly a reliable record of what happened to him — or even when it happened .
9 To reiterate the point just made , this is not an argument about the functional necessity for all societies to have a category of ‘ crime ’ but an argument about the positive qualities of what happens to be defined as crime under capitalism ; indeed , the argument is usually combined with the assumption that under socialism there would be no such thing as crime .
10 THE AGONY of what happened to her son is as acute for Joan McDermott today as it was 20 years ago .
11 You 'll be looking — admittedly without much hope — for the missing page of Lorrimer 's notebook , any evidence of what he was doing here last night apart from working on the clunch pit murder , any sign of what happened to the missing coat .
12 While political consistency can be over-rated as a virtue — Ted Heath being an example of what happens to a politician whose mind remains fixed while the world moves by him — the rapidity with which Kinnock changed position may have damaged him more than his supporters thought it would .
13 Colombia is the most dramatic example of what happens to a country where informal economic activity — in this case drugs — gets control .
14 The future may be seen narrowly in terms of what will happen to the children when they move out of this class , or this school , to the next stage ; but ultimately whether or not they have been properly educated will be judged in terms of what happens to them later , when they have left school .
15 Follow through will cost you dearly in time and effort but it may reward you handsomely in terms of what happens to your report .
16 Now I find myself alone — that is irrelevant in terms of what happens to me , but for the idea that the Lord was homosexual , and for the perverted practices on his dead body not to be seen to be blasphemous if the case is lost — about that I am lost for words !
17 This could be termed an uncomely version of what happens to Patrick , whose wife discovers that , at long last , she is pregnant .
18 It highlighted the pettiness of what happened to me recently .
19 The second stage of taphonomic modification takes account of what happens to the small mammal carcases shortly after death .
20 The following extract is taken from his account of what happened to a Japanese doctor , Dr Sasaki :
21 In His account of what happened to the rich man and Lazarus after they died ( Luke 16 verses 19/31 ) Jesus quoted the words spoken to the rich man in hell , by Abraham and in verses 29 and 31 we see Abraham referring to Moses and The Prophets and clearly he is speaking specifically of the scriptures attributed to them .
22 ‘ It was not the cause of what happened to Nona . ’
23 The second section , " Hiroshima 1945–1979 " , is a set of portraits of contributors to " Genboku no ko " ( Children of the Atomic Bombing ) , 186 accounts by children of what happened to them on 6 August 1945 .
24 ‘ I 've never held the view that the karate blow was the only explanation of what happened to Mr Lewis .
25 Herbert 's notes give only tantalizing hints of what happened to the other Jacobson children .
26 Despite these important advancements , however , the problem of what happens to mentally handicapped people when they reach the later school-leaving age of nineteen remains , and what happens when they may face the prospects of a lifetime of unfulfilment which could quickly undermine the considerable efforts made by teachers , houseparents , parents and guardians to help the mentally handicapped child attain his or her full potential .
27 Geoff Walsh 's coat gives an idea of what happened to him .
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