Example sentences of "[noun] of [adv] [adj] days " in BNC.

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1 In most cases these families are poor , but they have brought with them the petit-bourgeois values of financially better-off days , and this has led to an apparently unquenchable materialism .
2 A steady decrease in the rotation rate has been interrupted at intervals of about five years by glitches : discontinuous increases in rotation speed followed by partial recovery in the form of an exponential return to a new slowdown rate on a timescale of about 20 days .
3 The breeding season in female goats is marked by their coming into oestrus ( ‘ heat ’ or ‘ season ’ ) at regular intervals of approximately 21 days .
4 Breeding females with litter intervals of over 40 days should be culled .
5 It shows remarkable warming and cooling of the sea over a period of just 10 days .
6 In statutory terms this is often a period of just three days .
7 After three quarters of an hour the advocates were informed that they had decided to defer any statement of their reasons and their conclusion as to the appropriate orders for a period of approximately 10 days until 3 February 1992 .
8 The range is from 6.8 to 9.1 , and there is a rough period of about 198 days .
9 There is said to be a rough period of about 100 days , but I have never been able to confirm this .
10 In some cases there are definite indications of periodicity ; thus Beta Pegasi , in the Flying Horse , has a period of about 36 days , though the range is less than half a magnitude .
11 Although the female may be mated in July she will not give birth until the following May after a gestation period of almost 300 days .
12 The range is from 5.0 to 7.6 , so that the star is never too dim to be found with binoculars ; there is a very rough period of around 130 days .
13 The range is from 4.0 to 5.0 , and there is a rough period of around 47 days .
14 One is Eta , a semi-regular star with an official range from magnitude 3 to 3.9 and a period of around 233 days .
15 There is a primary period of around 140 days , but neither the period nor the amplitude is constant .
16 Beta Pegasi , or Scheat , is an M-type semi-regular variable , with a rough period of around 36 days .
17 U , of spectral type M , appears to be irregular , with a range of from 5.6 to 7.5 ; EU ranges from 6.0 to 6.9 , and is also of type M. It is said to be semi-regular , with a period of around 60 days , but I have never been at all confident about this .
18 The outcome of perhaps three days ' work is often no more than ten points on a flip chart , and we would consider that a good rate of striking .
19 And with a fabulous climate of around 250 days of sun a year , tempered by refreshing sea breezes , this southern shore has become a paradise for those who want not more from a holiday than relaxation or sport or a combination of the two .
20 But it has a half-life of just 140 days so there can be little delay manufacture and its incorporation into a bomb .
21 The British government had waved through the bid in the space of just ten days in March 1985 on the grounds that the money was indeed all theirs .
22 With some types of account a depositor can withdraw a certain amount of money on demand , but will have to pay a penalty of so many days ' interest .
23 For the first time the cosmonauts managed to coax the plant arabidopsis , chosen for its brief life cycle of about 40 days , to produce seeds in space .
24 But these are from students of well past days .
25 The model predicts a lifetime of about 45 days for SO 2 , which is consistent with the observed SO 2 decay time ( 35 days ) .
26 Figure 8.5 shows measurements of over 600 days of the radar time delay for reflections from Venus ( Shapiro et al.
27 After capture at Tobruk as a chaplain he listened as well as lectured and poured himself out as father , brother and friend , empathising with the religious difficulties of his fellow prisoners which gnawed away at the rigid Anglo-Catholicism of more sheltered days .
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