Example sentences of "[noun] because [pers pn] knows [conj] " in BNC.

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1 A Director will cast this type of actress because he knows that is the kind of personality he wants brought out in this character , and he can rely on that actress to give just such a performance .
2 As for Mr Gorbachev himself , he is desperate for the party to stay in one piece because he knows that , once on their own , neither hardliners nor reformers would be likely to want him as their leader .
3 Thelma did n't always bother every day because she knows that Ralph is here you see .
4 He , he picks on us to say how determined we are to actually go into the profession because he knows that er , although there are more parts for females there it 's harder for somebody to stand out .
5 If the hon. Gentleman goes to France — a country he seems to admire more than ours — he will find that it has introduced a price formula that is far less tough than ours on BT because it knows that its nationalised industry would find it difficult to match the performance of BT .
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